Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Almost Anniversary to Us!

So it is official, we have been married for a year, almost. It is crazy how fast time has gone by. What a year it has been!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Deagan's Blessing

Deagan was blessed on Sunday October 14, 2007 by Greg. Everyone from both of our families were there along with other family members and friends. We are so happy that everyone was able to come and share that day with us!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

We are off to Seattle!

As is life wasn't exciting enough, we will be moving to Seattle this winter for a PAID internship! Greg will be interning for the State Department in the Seattle Passport Agency. We are so excited to get out of Rexburg for the winter and be near the ocean!

Welcome to our blog!

With all the excitement in our life right now, we figured this would be the best way for people to see what we are up to. Greg and I are currently going to school at BYU-Idaho. Greg is about to start his senior year, so our time in Rexburg is coming to an end. We just welcomed our son Deagan G. Nelson into our family on September 9, 2007. He weighed a wopping 8 lbs and was 19 1/2 inches. He is growing like crazy; almost tipping the scales at 10 lbs. I am currently taking a few on-line classes while working as a manager at our complex. Other than that, I spend most of my time taking care our little one. We hope you enjoy our blog!