Are you sitting comfortably and in the mood for something
really sensational?
You are?
Then I’ll begin.
Regular readers will know all about the extremely nasty campaign of harassment against me which started after I critically reviewed a pro-war book by a neo-con hedge fund manager cum blogger called Oliver Kamm for the Daily Telegraph in December 20005. Details of the campaign can be found
here.One arena where the campaign was fought was on the pages of wikipedia. My wikipedia entry was consistently maliciously edited: even on the night of 25th December, the smear merchants were at work. (and, on the same night also maliciously editing the page of David Cromwell of Media Lens).
The nastiest and most vindictive of all my wikipedia page editors was a certain ‘Elena Zamm’ Zamm, as I mentioned
before, in addition to editing my page, also edited the pages of Oliver Kamm and a translator named Anthea Bell, but this time much more favourably. Who’s Anthea Bell I hear you ask? Why it’s Oliver Kamm’s mother! (After I highlighted her editing activites last month, Ms Zamm mysteriously, after a five month absence, suddenly sprung back to life, frantically editing lots of other pages; but after this was pointed out by reader phildav76, she suddenly stopped again- but don‘t worry Elena, I‘ve got records of all your wikipedia activity).
After several months trashing my wikipedia page, Elena Zamm and her mysterious pseudonymous jazz-loving associate
'Philip Cross’(more on him in a later post,) failed to get the edits they wanted- particularly the inclusion of a highly biased and inaccurate account of the legal action I was forced to bring against Kamm for defamation. So the tactic changed: the aim now was to get my page deleted on grounds of ‘non-notability’.
The editor who took the decision to delete my page- (and also to ban from wikipedia a friend of mine,
Martin Meenagh, who had committed the heinous 'crime' of writing in, under his own name to argue that my page should not be deleted,) was a certain ‘slim virgin’ ('slim virgin' had also edited my page, always in a hostile way, on a number of
prior occasions)> For someone who was supposed to be an impartial arbritrator in the matter, 'slim virgin' was, from the outset, extraordinarily ill-disposed towards me. Despite the fact that my work appears in British and overseas newspapers and magazines on average around twice a week, 'slim virgin' thought it "would be a stretch" to call me a journalist. (Interestingly she didn’t seem to have the same problem regarding the journalistic credentials of Oliver Kamm, a far less frequently published writer).
I can now reveal that Oliver Kamm, in his own name, was in contact with 'slim virgin'. On 5th July 2007, Kamm wrote to 'Philip Cross'.
I'd like to draw your attention to a note I've just put on the user page of [[User:SlimVirgin|SlimVirgin]], as it refers to you too. Thanks.[[User:OliverKamm|OliverKamm]] 13:01, 5 July 2007 (UTC
Click on the link
here (scroll down to Kato's entry) for more and also to read Kamm‘s edits to his
own Talk page.Kato, on the link above, saw quite correctly, saw that 'slim virgin' was no impartial bystander and that she had a political agenda. But I’m not sure that even he could have imagined what sort of agenda.
After some great detective work by Daniel Brandt and Professor Ludwig De Braeckeleer, I'm pleased to inform that 'slim virgin' has now been outed. She is Linda Mack, who is now living under the nom-de-plume of 'Sarah McEwan' in Alberta, Canada. And her background? Please read on.
First, check the proof that 'slim virgin' is Linda Mack by clicking
here and then clicking on the name ‘linda mack’- or by following the links
here.And, as I'm sure you'll agree if you read these
three articles here, (and please, please do, I promise you won’t be disappointed) - it "would be a stretch" to call Ms Mack an unbiased editor or for that matter a normal, everyday member of the public.
So there we have it.
Oliver Kamm left a note for a wikipedia editor, whose impartiality was a complete fiction. The role of security forces and those associated with them in using wikipedia to smear and dispararge ‘undesirables’, to trash so-called 'conspiracy theories' and to propagandise for a highly politicised agenda was
exposed this summer.
It seems that I too have been a victim of the same process.
UPDATE: You can read more of the remarkable story of 'slim Virgin'
here.And have a look at 'slim virgin's highly incriminating comments
here too.
AND, a special extra treat:
here's proof that our old friend 'elena zamm' was in contact with 'slim virgin' too:
Reply about your request
Thanks for replying so quickly SlimVirgin. I haven't made any edits since you posted your request and so long as that's what you ask then I won't edit any further on those pages and will comment just on the Talk pages. You're entitled to ask this from a user. However, I've tried to edit always in line with policies and I don't know what's swayed you to this request. I appreciate your efforts to calm things down though and it's good that these pages are being looked at thoroughly.
--ElenaZam 21:35, 12 March 2007 (UTC
ps Elena: if you think you'll just pop over to delete your communication to slim virgin, don't bother: a full copy has already been made.
UPDATE: Guess whose wikipedia page 'slim virgin' has recently been editing? (this time in a very benign fashion)
Go on, have a guess! The answer is