Calvin - BYU Graduation 1983 |
Calvin and I celebrated our 32 wedding anniversary last week. When we met we were going to BYU, but I’ve already told you
that story.
However, what I didn’t tell you was that I was worried Calvin was still working towards a bachelor’s degree when he was 31 years old. I worried that because he hadn't graduated at 25 it meant he had goofed off, hadn't taken life seriously, lacked ambition and maturity, or wouldn’t be able to provide for a family.
Thankfully I never threw the stone at Calvin, just in his general direction. I later learned he had served a two year church mission and then been drafted in the Army where he served four years. He couldn’t have graduated at 25 if he’d wanted to.
However, that still left seven years unaccounted for. Most bachelor’s degrees require four years. I tossed a few more stones in his direction, before learning he’d put himself through school while married and with two children. That bought him another six years, but one year was still unaccounted for. Calvin readily admitted he spent that year hunting rather than studying. I mentally tsked-tsked but kept my throwing arm still.
With most of the years wisely accounted for, I took the risk and married him . . . and felt a bit stupid that I thought he should have graduated earlier.
A year later when he walked across the stage to receive his diploma, several of his professors gave him a standing ovation of sorts. They recognized what it took for him to get there. I felt appropriately stupider.
Now, here we are a multitude of years later and I’m set to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from BYU in August. It has taken me thirty-four years to earn that bachelor’s degree. Thirty-four years. (And Calvin, who was comparatively on the fast track, even paid for half of it.) Start throwing stones Calvin. Start throwing stones. I deserve every last one of them.