Our whole week was pointed towards one thing:
Michelle graduating from Brigham Young University - Idaho!
Calvin and I arrived at my niece and nephew's (Haley and Ryan) home at 12:30 am on Friday morning with Ty, Michelle, and Afton arriving ten minutes later. Haley and Ryan had set up their home as a gathering place for everyone coming to celebrate. They were incredible. They greeted us with big smiles, a full cookie jar, and water bottles by our beds. We visited until 2:00 am and then got up a few hours later to visit some more . . . and eat french toast, strawberries, and sausage.
One of our family's favorite past times is to visit. We spent Friday morning discussing a myriad of topics - the federal budget, sports, education, parenting, politics. Cousin Rachel drove down from Wyoming and joined us. Before long cousins Charlie and Jesse came along with my sisters Chris and Marcia, and brother-in-law Bruce. A little bit later Michelle's parents, Brian and Kathy, and brother Dal and sister Jayna came. Since Afton's birthday was just a few days earlier, Haley and Ryan fixed a birthday dinner for everyone - bbq pork sandwiches on homemade buns, salad, strawberries, chips, a vegetable tray, and lemonade. Haley and Ryan are incredible hosts, and we had such a good time visiting and eating and being served by them in their beautiful new home.
Later that evening was Michelle's graduation. As the organist began to play pomp and circumstance and the professors and graduates marched into the auditorium, my heart swelled bigger and bigger squishing my lungs. I was so proud of Michelle reaching the goal she set years ago. It hasn't been easy and the picture below shows it:
Michelle 4 months pregnant with 1 year old Afton reaching up to her |
Two years ago Michelle had just been accepted into her program of choice at BYU. She declined acceptance and put her education on hold so that she and Ty could marry and move to Maryland to finish Ty's education. In order for Michelle to graduate, she'd not only have to change programs, but also retake classes, switch universities, and go to an on-line program. However, she and Ty had promised everyone that she would finish.
Ty has been a great support in helping Michelle to be a successful mother and student the last two years.
Afton has been a good sport as well . . .
. . . she has even been lab material for some of Michelle's assignments.
Michelle with her folks Kathy and Brian |
Kathy was nervous Michelle wouldn't be able to finish her degree. Ty and Michelle assured her they would do what was needed to finish what she had started. Michelle called Kathy this last Tuesday night after she'd sent in her last assignment and said, "I told you so, Mom!" It was a great pay day for both of them.
Plain and simple, goals are a blessing and watching someone achieve their's is exciting and inspiring . . .
and such a fun and happy thing.