Thursday, February 17, 2011


No pictures, nothing perky...just telling it like it is! The dreaded whatever has taken hold, and I have been feeling miserable for 10 long days! I honestly can say I have not felt this drained and exhausted for some years. I think the severe and painful coughing is probably the worst lingering effect of it all. But whatever has invaded our area, our schools and most any gathering of people has attached to me. I drag myself to the office, I drag myself home, and I am pretty much ready for sleep. I am not alone, there are many of us sharing the same complaints. If misery loves company, then there is a whole lot of love around this area! The folks that have had it, have been so kind as to say "just so you know it will last two weeks", OK I am convinced and my two weeks will soon be up!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

like many of you...

ICE is the word for the day! Most of the USA is bogged down with the "snow and ice" of this winter! We are having our second school "snow day" of the week, we are needing to make up days. Fortunately so far the days are built into the scheduling, so we are not borrowing from the summer break *yet* !

As I snapped this picture, I heard a loud crack from the wooded area in back of my house, I could not see what the ice brought down, but it sounded rather loud and the sound of a thud to the ground followed. Please everyone stay safe, stay indoors if you can!
(this tree is normally tall and stately, not weighed down as it is today)

(by my back step)

(in my front yard)

Seems like a good choice today will be sewing a few more "pinwheels" as I do my laundry!