Saturday, January 29, 2011

role reversal...

Just a very few weeks ago *sweet granddaughter* passed her driver's test and is now able to be driving. However I have not been able to remember that yes she is driving ☺! Today she called me on the telephone and asked, "did I think we could go to the fabric store", my response was "but it is snowing"...knowing I don't like to drive in the snow!
(this is what it looked like outside of my house)

We went to the fabric store, Mickey did the driving, and did an absolutely wonderful job of "driving carefully" and not a problem at all!
(here are the keys, and off we went, reverse roles, you betcha)

For 10 years I have made the offer of "driving to the fabric store" and now I happily will allow Mickey to have the honors of being the driver for "our" fabric store drives!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

snow & sew...

Doesn't God do beautiful and creative things with snow and wind? The following three pictures show my front yard following what we are told were 30 mile an hour winds and 3" of snow...just beautiful to look at!

I wanted to try the new way of doing "pinwheels" and the tutorial suggested is great. I pulled out a charm pack and randomly put the fabrics together. I actually searched for a compatible solid, but not finding what I liked, I just did the fun thing! Random stacking and I am having fun!
The charm pack is by Moda *A Breath of Avignon by American Jane Patterns*, just fun and if for no other reason it can become a quilt to be donated thru Quilt Odyssey this summer in Hershey! The fabric colors are bright and the designs are fun to look at!

May each of you have a wonderful week! PA is predicted to be getting a BIG snow on Tuesday into could mean another *snow day* for the school, I could sew somemore ~~ maybe ☺!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


What started as a two hour school delay became...

closed ☺...I am going to enjoy my day!

I decided not to show my laundry, we all know what laundry looks like ☺! That is something that will be taken care of as I spend the day in my sewing area! Gotta ♥love♥ an *unplanned* day at home!

Friday, January 14, 2011


This blog posting may seem a bit confusing to start, but will hopefully make sense as you read on! Five years ago a special friend to Mickey (sweet granddaughter), died as the result of Cancer, Kelsey was in the sixth grade. It was difficult for many, but left an impression on many of Kelsey's classmates and friends! As I have posted to my blog every Fall abut the community coming together for what is called Kelsey's Fall Festival. Mickey has been very active with the festival and helping to raise money to benefit various Cancer related organizations.

An example in 2008 a quilt designed and pieced by Mickey, machine quilted by a friend Laurie, raffled and raised $2500.00 to be donated to Camp Dost a summer camp for children with Cancer.

The Kelsey's Dream Organization will be featured on the Rachel Ray TV Show on Monday (1/17). The show will present five worthwhile causes as explained by the various organization leaders. The viewers will have a chance to vote on the organization that has their true needs at heart! The Kelsey's Dream organization will be represented by Kelsey's sister, she is a student in the school where I work. We are very excited to have this happen for the organization, as a community, friends and family to Kelsey it will be with honor and pride that we watch this show!

The reason I am showing the pictures of Mickey involved with the events over the past years, is as a reminder to my blog readers of the connection between Mickey and the organization (Kelsey's Dream) appearing on the Rachel Ray Show. Mickey is not involved in the TV show on Monday. The show will air in PA on the Fox network @ 3:00p.m. I apologize for not having more info on air time or network for others out of this area.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

morning beauty...

Snow began to fall late in the afternoon on Tuesday and continued thru the night...lazy flakes at times and then more intense as the dark of night arrived!

The telephone ringing is what awakened me, a two-hour school delay is the message waiting (automated system) ~~ I appreciate the message!

This is truly "morning beauty", as seen thru my camera lens...the quiet of a snowy morning is wonderful, but not my favorite drive to the office!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

simply saturday...

I have promised myself all week that "come Saturday I will spend my day cleaning and do a bit of organizing in my sewing area", today is that Saturday! To add to my Saturday we have a light dusting of snow and it is still falling ~~ I ♥love♥ snow!

(outside my front door is a handmade jar lantern, the snow is so gentle on the top)

(supper is started in the crockpot ~ meatloaf on a bed of potatoes, a favorite at our house, and so simple to do)

(just cooking away for the day, no need to rush back and forth to the stove to cook our supper)

(this is what happens when the month of giving handmade gifts gets ahead of me, this is just one area that needs to be organized, the rest will remain unseen by others ☺)

(sweet granddaughter has an area that also is needing some organizing, this is where she creates her wonderful surprises for her parents, but oh my she too was in a hurry to get it done and not taking time to put things back ☺)

I hope that all of you will have a gentle but productive "Simply Saturday" kind of day! God is Good!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

happy anniversary...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Mike and Carol!
(parents to Joe and Dan)

(proud owners of the Victorian Home)

We love you...thank you for being wonderful and caring...thank you for two awesome grandsons!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

how time gets away...

Today will end my Christmas break from the office...ten days gone by so quickly! I am not going to whine and complain, but it did go fast and my planned projects are far from complete! I am showing a few pictures of what is left untouched, "best made plans" is what is running thru my mind!

(remember the table runners on a previous posting of 11/29...they were gifts and finished, this one is not and it was meant to be mine, the new owners love the runners they received ☺ ~~ so this will give me a headstart for next year)
(the charms were pulled from their storage and dumped on my cutting table to select for the completed table runners...this is how they were left...and still are dumped on the table ~~ "my bad")
(how about this beautiful stack of my favorite fabrics from Sew Unique Creations now honestly this is so bad of me, my dream is to have every piece of this particular type of fabric, just to look at and sew with ☺, but really... still in the bag on the table..."my bad" again)
OK if you are looking for me anymore today, you probably will find me hidden away in my sewing area, straightening up and just maybe sewing a bit...I do so love that fabric...and to order from Tara at Sew Unique Creations is wonderful! Being honest I would need to say I ♥covet♥ every piece of fabric that she offers...but my wallet doesn't, and my family would really give me that look for sure!