We ended the afternoon with a Tye Dye Party today! We had family and friends along with the neighborhood kids join us today for some good old fashion fun! My Mother-in-law and Father-in-law drove over with Jack, CJ and Jessica to get in on the fun!
We had a small rain shower in the midst of it, but for the most part the weather held. Good thing, cause this is major messy business!!!
Miller very kindly helped get the dye ready while I was helping Tye up shirts!
Garbage Bags are the new fashion!
Calvin Klein eat your heart out!
This is after the clean up!!!
My hands are still blue...so much for the gloves!
The kids and I look like avatars!
Snack time!
Poor Dylan has an audition for Broadway tomorrow and his hands are blue! He was just realizing that it wasn't coming off!