Thursday, August 12, 2010

7 Months

I know, I know I'm so very behind in my blogging! More than a month and no updates. Just call me a slacker!!! Don't worry a big series of catch up posts are on the way!

Now, onto our cute girl!

Can you believe she's already 7 months? I can't! This picture was taken when she was 7 months and 1 week, just after we got home from our two week trip home. This little girl is growing so fast and seems to do something new everyday. This past month she completely got the sitting thing down. We never have to worry about her falling out of that position anymore.
She's also up and crawling. She does a combo of regular crawling, army crawling, bear crawling and rocking herself forward. We know it won't be too long until she's cruising! She also loves to be in push up position and therefore is getting quite buff! Just look at those muscles!

She's a super smiley and happy baby! She loves to be in the stroller which is a good thing because she gets to hang out in there often. I love the long baby hairs flying in the wind!

One of my favorite things she does now is what we call "her singing". She loves to make noise and her favorite sounds are baba and dada, which of course is also Keith's favorite. But she doesn't just make the sounds, she, for long periods, will repeat the sounds almost to a tune and it sounds like she's singing. It's so cute and I love it! We sure can't get enough of this girl!