Earth laughs in flowers.--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Peace is not a season, it is a way of life.-Unknown
Bees are not as busy at we think they are. They just can't buzz any slower.--unknown
The sea is as near as we come to another world.-Anne Stevenson

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Wishing all of you a Happy Halloween! I am traveling today to our destination to attend the wedding of my cousin tomorrow. So no costumes for me this year. Otherwise I would be wearing one to work. So instead I will wear some Halloween socks I got from my secret sister at church. My daughter lands at the airport one minute before us and we will end up in the same general area and can find each other before heading down to baggage claim. Yay! We are so excited!

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Three or More Thursday #1

Tam over at The Gypsy Corner is starting a new thing. She is calling it Three or More Thursdays. Today is the first one.

For my first Three or More Thursday post, I am going to use a fall decor picture. I am in the process of adding to this viginette, but I have three or more of something there.
The focus of the three or more is the 3 pumpkins sitting on the upside down wine glasses. Actually one of them is a parfait glass which works too. I have already added to this display and when I am finished with it I will post another picture. In the meantime, Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Granddaughter Having Fun!

I get so excited when my daughter-in-love does a new post. This time she has one of pumpkin fun with my granddaughter. Shaylee took great delight in cleaning out the pumpkin to get it ready for her daddy to carve.
Look at her adorable laugh! Here she is having fun doing the deed with her other grandma. Go see my daughter-in-love's post for more on their fun times.
Here is the finished pumpkin. Isn't that so cool?!? I wish I was there for the fun. For now I will just have to enjoy it through the pictures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've Been Boo-ed!!

Now this is going to be fun!! Here is how the Blogging Boo will go. Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "Boo-ED". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. (Then put the pic in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been Boo-ed and to send the pic to someone else.
Are you scared yet!!??

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Daughter's Blog

Just like I get excited when my daughter-in-love posts an update, I also get excited when my daughter does too. Sara can be found here. Hopefully she will post more often. She still needs to brag about her pets. We will be seeing her very soon when we go on our trip. Can't wait! Wish I can see my son too. We are going to maybe try and visit them in the early spring. I hope we can get that to work out. In the meantime, seeing my precious girl will be a blast. I usually call her "my sweetie pie". I am planning on helping her add some interest to her blog. Also according to Shelia at Note Songs, we are supposed to get a Bathroom Diva picture. So we will try and do that too. Maybe at Disneyland. Or anywhere else that may be interesting.

I have been working on my sewing stuff. You can see more about that in my sewing blog. If you don't see it yet, check back, I will get it on there before we leave. The link for that is in my sidebar.

In the meantime Happy Sunday. We have a busy day today so I best go and get ready for church and other stuff we have to do.

Views Along My Commute

This time I planned ahead and uploaded the picture in reverse order of the way I wanted them and voila they are in the order I want them. Go figure! Anyway, I decided to share another view or two of my commute.
This picture is taken from the same place as the one I shared in an earlier post. However, taken a month or so later there are more fall colors now. Also with sun setting earlier, the lighting is different too. Kind of makes those colors glow. This is an angle I see on my way home from work.
I turned around to get this next picture which I see on the way too work, except this is taken after work not in the morning. Morning light is different. To get this picture I had to stand on the door facing, I guess it is, of my car. Had to do that in order to see above the vines. There is a lot of color variety now in the vineyards around us. So pretty. Some places are glowing yellow and others have the oranges and reds marching up and down and sideways on the hillsides. Living in the wine country does provide us with some beautiful scenery.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Susie Q is 52!

Hey! That blog title rhymes. And I didn't even plan it that way. Anyway, I just joined Susie at her birthday party in NYC. It was a blast! Here is the link so you can go there too. But be warned, you might get worn out just like me. But that is alright. The party ends at a nice Bed and Breakfast where we can all crash and catch some zzz's.
Susie said there was a bear like this for each one of us from FAO. Isn't that cool! I love that since I have a collection of Teddy Bears. But for now this picture will have to do. Maybe someday I can get the actual bear. And the chocolates were to die for. Everything was such fun. So go on over to Susie Q's blog and join us all for the NYC party. Be sure to leave room for all the food we get to eat during the party. Happy Birthday to Susie Q!!!!!! Thank you Susie Q for inviting us to your party.

Pink Saturday #7

I have more pink theme teacups and saucers to share with you for this Pink Saturday. After this week I am afraid I might have to look harder for pink things. I have more blue things than I do pink things. So plenty for Blue Mondays. Be watching for those.

I arranged my cups in the same area as I did last week. The pink fabric I am using as a background for the pictures was still in the hutch. I guess I was too lazy to move it last week. But then it was ready for me this week.

This one in the above picture is smaller than the others. I guess that would mean it is a demitasse teacup. Anyway, it is called Sutherland English. It looks so dainty.The next one in the above picture is a simple one. No flowers on the outside with only the one rose on the inside. And on the saucer the rose is smack in the middle, covered up by the teacup when you are using it. This one is called Imperial Rose made in Japan.
This last one is called Sampson Smith Old Royal made in England. Another very pretty teacup. I would say most teacups are pretty. I have one strange one I will have to post sometime. Don't think I would call it pretty. Anyway, in the top picture you can see the one flower on the inside along the rim.

Happy Pink Saturday to everyone. Thank you to Beverly once again for hosting this fun Pink Saturday. Just click on the picture in the side bar to see her post about others who are posting a Pink Saturday post.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My Granddaughter!

I just had to share the picture of my granddaughter in her cute pirate costume. My daughter-in-love posted this picture and others tonight. I get so excited when I see new stuff on her blog. To see more click here.
Since we live so far apart the internet sure helps us to keep in touch and I see pictures of my cute granddaughter. Shawna tells me they talk to my granddaughter about us regularly so she gets to know who we are. I hope we get a chance to go see them sooner rather than later.

Peace and Love,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin Festival

Gee, trying to set this post up was so frustrating. First of all, I can only upload 5 pictures at a time. Then it placed them here in reverse order from the way I wanted it. So I started choosing my pictures in reverse order so they would land here in the right order. I don't remember if blogger always did this or not. But tonight this is the way it is. I first noticed it when I was preparing my Pink Saturday post.

Anyway, enough griping. This is where we were last weekend, Half Moon Bay at the Arts and Pumpkin Festival, or was it the Pumpkin and Arts Festival. Boy, is it a big deal here! We have never been to this festival. The only reason we went this time is some good friends of ours have moved to Half Moon Bay and they invited us to stay with them to attend this. They live just one or two blocks from the event which was great. When ever we needed to use the toilet or sit and rest, we just went back to their house. No waiting in those long lines for the portable toilets that were set up.

This booth was where you could buy official gear, but we did not get anything from there. I saw someone wearing a shirt that said 38th annual festival. So I don't know if this year was the 38th or if it was a shirt from a prior year.
We drove down there Friday evening, so we could be there at the start of the event the next morning. Even Friday night we could not park our car in front of their house because that was where the parade was forming. We missed the parade though. Too busy checking out all the booths I think at the time it was going on. Anyway, first on the agenda was a Pancake Breakfast being served by the local high school. I don't know if you can tell in the above picture, but the line for that was about 2 blocks long. Yikes! We decided forget that. Who knows how long of a wait that was going to be?
Instead we went here. Not as long of a wait, especially since their son ran on ahead to save a place for all of us in line. Back to the walking after we finished breakfast. We did a lot of walking that day! Too bad I did not have a pedometer. Would have been fun to see how many steps I actually did that day.

As we headed back to the area where all the craft booths were located we spotted a shop that had luggage for 50% off. Oooh good. We checked it out and decided to get this one. Can't miss that one at the baggage claim at the airports! Our other suitcase was damaged on the last two trips it went on, so we needed one badly for this trip we are going on soon. They had it in pink too, but hubby did not want us to get the pink one. Gee, I don't know why??

We spotted this pumpkin scarescrow along the way as we walked back to the house to drop of the suitcase and use the bathroom. Then it was back to the walking again.

As we were browsing all the booths, there were tons of them, we spotted this Farmer Mike carving a huge pumpkin. Of course I had to get pictures of that along with all the other people jostling to get pictures too.

I think he started at 9 in the morning. This is how far he is when we spotted him probably around 10:30.
Another picture to show what he had done so far up to that point.

Here is a smaller one he did earlier. He is very good. There was a photo album going around the audience with pictures of other pumpkins he had done. Later I will show what it looks like when he is finished.
I was trying to give you an idea of how many booths there were at this festival. This picture does not do it justice. I think there may have been altogther 6 blocks of booths plus on the side streets areas with things for the kids to do. It was a huge 2 day event. We only went on Saturday.
One booth had a Native American doing traditional weaving. Beautiful work. There were lots of things to choose from if anyone wanted to buy something. I might have if we were not planning this upcoming trip we are going on soon. His weavings were pricey.

Saw this pretty house on the street with the booths, just had to get a picture of it. The bright colors really make it stand out. It is being used for several businesses including a music school.

We just had to get one of these when we saw them. Reasonably priced. This one will go perfect in our purple and yellow bathroom. These are dried flowers in between two layers of glass and then framed. There were a variety of sizes available. I don't have it hanging up in the bathroom yet. But I will.
A quilting group had these mug rugs available. My husband told me to go ahead and get them since I am a teddy bear collector. Aren't they cute?
Here is the picture I promised you of the finished carving. Isn't that something?!? There was someone filming him who asked him a question. I was able to lipread his answer, "I started at 9 and it is now about 2:30 so it took me about 5 1/2 hours." After seeing that I was able to figure that the question must have been "How long did this take you?" That would be a Jeopardy question I guess. LOL! He did the last carve just as we walked up and stated "That's it, I am done." I did not lipread that. My husband heard him say that.
Next on the agenda was dinner. This is where we went for that. It was located in the same shopping area as the place we ate breakfast at in the morning. Like I said we did a lot of walking. We never ate lunch. It was late breakfast and early dinner for us. My husband and I along with the husband of the couple we were with ordered the pumpkin and butternut squash ravioli. It was very good.
Outside the restaurant and elsewhere in Half Moon Bay were these purple flowers. At first I thought was lavendar, but the flowers are fuzzy to the touch with no fragrance. So I don't know what they are. Very pretty though.
This light fixture was above us in the restaurant. I thought it was interesting and different from anything else I had seen, so I had to get a picture of it. And that was our day. We drove back home that night. It was dark when we got there Friday night and dark when we left Saturday night. As a result, I have no idea what the surrounding area looks like there. It was fun to see our friends again. We had not seen them since last December. It was wonderful to catch up with each other.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Several Awards and Being Tagged!

I have received another award. How fun! This is from Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Thank you Susan for this nice award. I am honored that Susan thought of me for this award. I enjoy following her blog along with others. This is the Blogging Friends Forever award and it is good for forever. How cool is that! I first was tagged with this award in late September. I am just now getting around to doing something about it. Because I waited, I now have some blogging friends to pass this award to.

Now I need to award it to others. But as you will see I need to give it to other followers. I am limited in who I have as followers. Though I know of many who comment frequently. So let me see who I should give it too.

Here are the rules:

There are three rules attached to this award as follows:

1. You may only choose five people/blogs to give the award to...

2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog...

3. One has to be a new follower of your blog, or live in another part of the world...I'd love to present this award to some of my BFFs as follows:

First up is Suzie at Suzie Button Creations. I first got acquainted with Suzie when I found out she does real time captioning. I was intrigued at that since I rely on captioning when I watch TV.

Second is Michelle at The Froggy Bottom Blog. Michelle gave me my first award. Thank you again Michelle. I got acquainted with Michelle be her blog title made me think of the books by Margaret Truman. She has a neighborhood in her books she calls the Foggy Bottom. So I had wondered if that was where she got the name. The rest is history.

Third is Susan at Sweetpea Sue's Cottage. I forgot just how I found Susan's blog, but Susan is a follower on my sewing blog and I became the first one to link to her blog. She is also from the same state my father was born in.

Fourth is Susie Q at Rabbit Run Cottage. I found Susie through a comment she left on someone's blog. I forget who and followed it to her blog and went on from there. Susie has some funny stuff with her dogs that make me laugh.

I seem to be running a theme here. Three of these four ladies have a variation of the name Susan and this award was given to me by a Susan. I just realized that. Just so you know, that this was all coincidental.

And last is Robyn who is one of my new followers that I found through a comment on someone else's blog. Her blog is at Scrapbooks and Journals. We have enjoyed commenting back and forth. I was hoping to be giving Robyn her first award. But I see someone else beat me to it. That is what I get for waiting too long. But this will be her second, just like this one was my second.

Ok, ladies. Be sure you pass this one on as best as you can.

Now I need to check out the other awards I have gotten and decide who to pass those to. I will try to choose those who have not gotten the particular award yet. More fun to spread it around that way!


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Quotes for Thought

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. --Sophia Loren

Each day slowly shapes our lives, as dripping water shapes the stone.

Each day is God's gift to you, make it blossom and grow into a thing of beauty.

May I never miss a rainbow or a sunset because I am looking down.

The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest. -Thomas Moore

A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.-Washington Irving

It doesn't take monumental feats to make the world a better place. It can be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in a grocery line.-Barbara Johnson