well its too bad we won't be at this stage next Halloween:

that is because our little "bun" will no longer be in the proverbial "oven" ... if you know what I mean (wink wink)!
Yes we are having a wee one! And we are so so so excited about it. Its been tough to keep this one under wraps - because I am the WORST at keeping my own secrets (case in point - telling people Nate and I were getting married before he had the chance to tell a few choice family members).
We just saw the little flicker of the heartbeat today and it was magical. We have a follow up next week to get a more accurate idea of how far along we are (our doctor had to rush our appointment due to a patient in labor and ready to deliver) and when our official due date will be (sometime in October).
We are super duper excited to have a baby and feel really blessed that all is going well so far! Yay for babies ... more details to come!