Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eurotica now available as e-books!

You can now get Kristina the Queen of Vampires, Cornnell Clarke's Peanut Butter, Kevin Taylor, Omaha the Cat Dancer and Robert Sandiford's erotic GNs to read on any device such as PC, Mac or mobile including android tablet! And they can be transported to any device you have. Only exception is the sanctimonious iPhone and iPad where Apple seemingly never tempted Adam ;).
This is through our new association with AveErotix, a division of AveComics which has an awesome comics reading app. Check it out!
We're speedily adding more titles to the library for your um, electronic enjoyment. An electrifying experience of cyberkinetic proportions!
Seriously, what with all the crap on the internet posing as adult, here's Eurotica's top quality comics  presented the right way, not some garbage illegal scans ripping your favorite artists off.
You can click right on the links on our pages here on this site to access purchasing the downloads.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Molly Gets A Taste...

Here's a look at a panel in progress from beginning to end...
Urban Jointz. The Home of The Diary of Molly Fredrickson:  Peanut Butter by Cornnell Clarke
Erotic Art Top 100
Jab Comics

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Barbarian Chicks, step by step

Greetings to all the followers of the Eurotica Blog.

As my first post, I´ve uploaded several pics describing part of the process of drawing a "Barbarian Chicks" history.

In this scene, Yevlena and Shaya are having fun in bed. From the initial pencil sketch to the final image with the lettering, you can see the process, adding successive layers of watercolour, and retouching lines with inks until the desired result is reached.

Once that final stage is achieved, only scanning the frames remains, adjusting levels and lettering it with the computer.

And that´s all!

I hope you enjoy this brief lesson.

Just A Kiss...

Classic scene of Molly Fredrickson and Erica Cardinalle from Peanut Butter Vol. 1. A story line I plan to revisit in the near future but, from Erica's point of view...

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Urban Jointz. The Home of The Diary of Molly Fredrickson:  Peanut Butter by Cornnell ClarkeErotic Art Top 100Jab Comics

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Waiting for second Mona Agent X episode on Sizzle 54 I'd like to dedicate this post to Mona's best friend, Inouk. 

Inouk is an irreverent-shameless-charming girl...and she is lesbian. Of course, she doesn't hesitate to help her beloved ingenuous friend looking for hospitality.

Here below are some preliminary sketches I did working on the character a couple of years ago. 


And this is now in color, just for Eurotica blog:


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Available Now by Cornnell Clarke

First of all, thanks to everyone who Pre-ordered their signed copy of "The Diary of Molly Fredrickson:  Peanut Butter Vol. 6"! Your order along with a free copy of SizZle Magazine is shipping now! For everyone else, pick up your signed copy here along with a free copy of SizZle Magazine!

More news soon!
Urban Jointz. The Home of The Diary of Molly Fredrickson:  Peanut Butter by Cornnell Clarke
Erotic Art Top 100
Jab Comics