Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Power of Words

Ya know what's great about my blog? It's mine and I don't have to be politically correct, or grammatically correct, or even correct at all. I can say what I want because it's mine, all mine. I realized today that I've missed my blog. I have been writing to a young man about to embark on a life-changing journey into the military and it occurred to me, that my words can change a life. Wow, how profound. Little old me sitting behind this computer can have such an effect on the world. The power of words can be staggering sometimes. I have forgotten how much of an outlet my blog was for me. All those months in Iraq with nothing on my hands but time. Time to think and reflect and let the power of the moment flow through my fingers in an accurate portrayal of the drama around me. I miss just letting my thoughts ramble for a short time to paint a picture of the sliver of the moment I am living. I miss the power of my words. I'm not a poet, or even a writer. I am just me being me in the presence of my thoughts and emotions. I usually don't even edit as I'm writing, but rather just let it all flow as it comes. I've missed this. I've missed my release. I keep things pent up for so long and I've forgotten that I have this wonderful outlet to let it be free. Sure I write papers for class, but those are structured and boring. This writing is as free as a bird with endless possibilities. Almost like a chose your own adventure book that I used to love as a kid. The ending was never the same thing twice. Isn't that like life? Even if you went back and did it over, you still wouldn't get the same ending twice.

The Power of Words