Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive and well. I have finally moved to Colorado and trying to get settled in. Geez I have a lot of shit! Where in the hell did I get all of this shit from and why in the hell have I been packing it around for all these years. There have been some changes in my life that I won't go into detail, but I'm turning a new page in my life and I think cleaning out all the old crap is helping me deal with the changes. Change is very hard, very hard and when life doesn't always go the way you think it should, it sucks even more. But, I have to take care of me because no one else will. I have cried my tears and I'm trying to suck it up and put my big girl panties on and deal with the decisions I have made. I have a lot of positive things going for me right now, so I'm trying really hard to focus on those and not look back, but it still sucks. Ok, I have to move on from that subject now.
Anyway, I'm sponging off Uncle Sam for a bit until I can find a job, but with the way the economy is going, that may be the entire 6 months that I am eligible for. I have applied for some really good jobs, ones that require security clearances which I have so I'm crossing fingers that I will find something soon. All this time on my hands is driving me nuts! When you have spent almost a year with something to do pretty much every minute you are awake, down time is hard to deal with. I did some retail therapy the other day and bought an Xbox 360 with RockBand. Now, I'm having buyers remorse and it's going back tomorrow. I don't have any furniture and I really can't justify having a $500 toy and nothing to sit on. So, my conscience is getting the best of me and it's going back. It was fun for the couple of days that I had it though. It's also not the same playing RockBand by yourself...that's definitely a group activity!
I went and registered with the VA last week and let me tell you, they have come a long way with Vet benefits! I now have FULL medical coverage for 5 years and then I still have coverage for the rest of my life after that, but will have to pay a small copay. WOW!! As a single person what more could I ask for?? Medical coverage is very expensive and to know that I really won't ever spend a dime for the next 5 years is a huge relief! So, thank you to the government for finally stepping up to the plate and treating vets with the respect they deserve.
Well, I hope everyone is doing well the first part of the year!!!!
Until next time..peace!