Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh my God..see how she sleep

I believe that Daddy never knows that his girl is so..boorish..

well this is the way she night.

Oh NO!!



Wednesday, March 24, 2010


贝贝第一次泻肚子,泻得很厉害。那天,星期六我洗好澡出来,她就嚷着要我抱,没一会贝贝就哭闹然后从我身上溜下,在地上打滚。 这举动着实吓了我一跳,搞不懂她到底怎么样了。 看她痛苦的样子,很是心疼,却又做不到什么。 后来跟她涂油以后,开始腹泻。从黑色粪便到黄色水样,第二天没有好转便带他去看医生。 医生也没说什么,只给了盐水以防脱水。



不过贝贝的不哭不闹让我欣慰很多,还是一样调皮,只是少了点精力了。 Hmm..在这阶段多希望她像虫一样,蛇一样,牛一样的嚷着我, 别像树熊!哈哈!

昨天进行产检, 意外意外,宝宝的头已下转了,医生说暂时不必定时间宫剖了,不过还得是情况而定,至少现在是多了一项选择。当然, 医生没有100% 说可以顺产,因为第一,不想我震破子宫;二,医生当天用一只棍子做往我下体做超波,看我的骨盘开了吗,挖,痛得我不敢大叫,他说酱就痛怎样生哦??三,先前一胎是宫剖,这回有较高的机率宫剖。 不过,anyway, we will watch out and see. 总结是,随时可以生,但不知什么时候。

酱的情况,第一招让我乱了阵脚。 就一开始没有心理准备可以有顺产的可能, 现在多了一个 option,又是uncertainty. 哇,玩嘢咩。 糟的是,肥的不在。 哈!这突然的念头给我担心了一会。能怎样,顺其自然咯。

常听孕妇说脚抽筋很恐怖。怀贝贝的时候有抽筋,不过只是小儿科。 直到前两天脚真的抽筋了,哇那种感觉,的确…..很痛叻!!抽筋持续大约1分钟。 第二天小腿还有疼痛的感觉。




有时候想,人的脑袋是拿来用的还是放着生锈的? 搞不懂搞不懂!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Leading Bold Change, where were you be?

I attended a course preview called “Leading Bold Change” yesterday. The content of the talk is taken from John Kolter’s book ‘The Iceberg is Melting’.

Reason attending this preview is to access the capability of instructor on my own view and to justify whether my organization needed such course. After reviewing the course, I strongly felt that my organization indeed an urgency for change. Thus I was suggested to have an internal training for my organisation. However the charges for the course is per head count due to it intellectual property licensing, and this, withhold my decision. However the training provider is willing to help me to seek for the alternative to get the affordable deal. Well, I am not saying about the PARTY in large though they are also need to change, in fact urgent than the internal admin part, I am mentioned about the internal part of my organisation.

What I wanted to share here is, the world is changing and it is kept on changing, AND where were we now.

One of the audiences shared a story about the IT. She said, in future in fact is happening now, there will be no licensing require for you to get the software like Microsoft, Apple, etc. All information and needy can be acquired by just one click. Many of the local licensing distributor and manufacturer were denied and are in as best one can to prevent or try to prevent it to be happened. This can be affected their business or worst still, to shut down their operation. However, the fact is, it is already happen and it is matter of time it reaching us. And it is therefore for all related businessman here to take the initial changes for the challenges.

The other story was shared by the speaker.

She traveled to Vietnam with her family for vacation during CNY, they were traveling there for continuously 3 years. As to say that a little bit more familiar with the Ho-chih Min City, the first thing first for them is to look for tailor because their handiwork is very fine. In the 3rd shop they felt that it is the shop that they are looking for. So they let the tailor to do the measurement for all. In the 3rd day, she went to collect the finished good. It was the tailor's wife who attending them. And she was in front of the computer at the time. She called the speaker to go over her place and clicking on the mouse by showing her... ‘Here it is, this is my BLOG and this is your personal information, please key in the series number (something like password) that you wish.’ After that all the measurement were appeared on the screen. The wife said ‘ in future, if your measurement changed and you would like to place an order, you just log in to your account and change the measurement and do the placement order, and we do according to your request’. At the time the speaker was so impressed that with their way of service and doing business.

After coming back to Malaysia, the speaker went to enquire in few of the renowned tailor shops, the response were ‘oh, we are not ready for that’. Okay, since we are not ready for that, and what do we have to compete with the others? We are so called more advance that Vietnam, event Thailand, The Philippines and so fort. People are make changes and doing it well to stay competitive and not to wash out from the wave.

We are no longer having competitiveness in the global and also the marketability is too low. With the mindset of our people, our leaders have, we are, staying at the comfort ZONE too long.

Everybody left a SEAM on their door but eyes were looking at their pocket and holding tight with their hands.

What do you have to offer yourself to the changing world? Where were you be?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

37 weeks

I am approaching 37 weeks!! Wow that's fast. 3 more weeks to go....

Went for pregnancy check up this afternoon. Was very fast. I am second in the line. So within 30 minutes I done my scanning.

Baby is now weight 2.5kg and is growing very fast from last two weeks which only weighted 1.9kg. This is only the estimated weight for delivery. With the 2.5kg, the baby is enough weight to be out and survive.

It is lying parallel in my stomach, hopefully the head can turn down and go into the channel, so that I can prepare for nature birth, otherwise, I have to give a date for ceasar by then. hmm..

This pregnancy is much more relax than the first one. No complication on me or nothing much changes on my daily routine though. Perharps it could last until the end of this pregnancy. Pray hard :))

The difference of the 2nd one and ZOEN is, I eat slightly lesses than when carrying ZOEN. Play more computer games.. hahah

Monday, March 15, 2010



这里要讲的不是女佣的故事 :))) 要自娱一下。

当天早上9点多接到通知,工人跑了!吃饭时间,唯恐天下不乱的其中一名家长要我去报警。ok。放下工作,拖着一粒球到Wangsa Maju警局报案去。

柜台警察叔叔为我做口供,报案纸出来。你说的10句话只有3句记录在案,资料还有两个错误! 我要求更正,他只在纸上删除误置的,然后签个名。其余的7句是给你讲爽的。

之后要我领着报案纸到一楼会见 某某SM,再做详尽的记录,然后由SM来教导我如何处理接下来的事宜。


做了详尽的口供,我有检查过的,这份hmm比较完善。 怎知,报告不是给我的,他自己收,那么记录来个屁用??

在作第二回口供时同那个 SM聊了一会。 他和气的一一回答我的问题。 以下是缩短版:

我的工作时间从 8am-8am。 (??) 我们身为警察的哪有休息的? (年假呢)如果你在放假,但是总队在出巡时发现证物或相关你处理的案件的进展,你就必须回来处理。



警察工作也不易为。除了处理文件上的事物,大大小小的民生与治安问题都需要他们的协助。 政府给予的福利又不是那么的好,瞧见工作环境也是自己的居家一样,是有点感慨与心酸的。
