We've already had a couple of "adventures" since Jakob started Kindergarten.
First, the heartache. Jakob came home from school on Monday (third day in, mind you). And he started telling me a story.
"The door was locked at school, and I was locked out, and I was so so sad. And I started to cry, because I was so so sad. And the big lady came to open the door. But some kids started to make fun of me, and they called me a freak. And I am kind of a freak."
Oh, my gosh.
My heart just broke into a million little pieces for my boy.
The translation: Apparently, they have a recess time during Kindergarten, and the door locks behind them automatically. Jakob was trying to open the door again, and he realized it was locked which scared him for some reason. There was a duty out there, and she had a walkie-talkie to get someone inside to open the door again. But then I guess some kids thought Jakob's crying was funny, and they called him "freak".
Of course, I told him he wasn't a freak, and I'm not even sure he knows what that means, but I think he understood the intent behind the name. I wasn't sure what to do, but then I talked to him about it again yesterday, and he said that no one called him names. So, I think I'll hold out on any action unless he reports it happening again. I thought about emailing the teacher to see if she or the duty had seen any of this, but since he's over it I'm not now. I did talk to him, however, about name calling, and how it can be mean. I think sometimes he gets picked on and he doesn't really realize it.
Now for the heart attack. Jakob gets on and off bus 11. All the Kindergartners in our neighborhood ride bus 11 to school, but then all the elementary kids get out at the same time so there are a couple of buses in our neighborhood; it splits up the kindergartners.Yesterday was the first bus day. We waited outside for the kids to get off the bus. There was Ila, and a few other kids getting off at the stop. But no Jakob. Robin, the bus driver, peeked her head out of her window and said, "Did you pick Jakob up from school today?" Uh, NO. So she gets on her intercom thingy and starts asking the other bus drivers if they've seen a little Kindergartner named Jakob on their bus.
My heart fell into my stomach.
Where was my little boy? I pictured him sitting outside the school crying his little eyes out. I pictured him walking along the very busy road, trying to find his way home. I pictured him on a different school bus heading who knows where and crying there, too.
We saw the other bus on an adjacent street stop. Jakob got out of that one, and started running toward home. He acted like it was no big deal.
He sat by Ty on the way to school; he sat by Ty on the way home too. Just on the wrong bus.
So, we drilled bus 11, bus 11, bus 11 into his head yesterday and today. And I made a little tag to put on his backpack: bus 11. In case the same thing happens again.
I'm just so glad that he has such a resilient spirit. He's just so dang cute. And I know I can't protect him from the world forever, but I'm sad he's had to have so many mishaps all at once.