Friday, September 20, 2013

Hannah Claire

Meet Hannah Claire :) 

She is healthy and an angel girl and we're so very delighted to finally meet her! She joined us on Tuesday with a very quick labor and delivery. We are all surprised how teensy she is! She was even smaller than Cameron who was born nearly 3 weeks before she was. My dainty girl!

 (She looks a lot like Cameron in this picture)

This is what she does most. Sleep. Angel girl!

This is what Daddy does most-- snap iphone photos of Hannah...

... and kiss her face. :)

 I love them!

 Hannah at home-- testing out her new crib. I think she likes it!

 Her poor little heel is so bruised from the PKU tests at the hospital. 

The boys *adore* her. I have fabulous pictures, thanks to a dear friend, of their first time meeting her that I'll post up soon. :) Just wanted ya'll to get your Hannah fix. *love*!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

July 4: LA Science Center

For July 4th, we decided to celebrate our patriotism by visiting the Space Shuttle Endeavor at the LA Science Center! ;) We were worried it would be crazy busy, but since camps were out, it was actually fairly empty! 

It was so cool to see these real instruments that had been to space and home again! See the fire marks on the bottom from re-entry? 

They had a display of the evolution of spacesuits. So fascinating!

This was a cool sound experiment:

This was a fun display-- getting your hair to stand up. W's hair wasn't very effective, but he was the first one willing to try it. 

Then Tamar volunteered, with great success-- only pity was her cell phone was stolen right as I was taking this picture. One of those backs in the picture of W is a jerk. 

A scale model of the hubble!

Tires of the Endeavor.

Mock ground station
The shuttle! It was pretty amazing to see. 

Every tile was numbered on the ship and custom for their spot. Amazing. 

"Big Andrew" supervising the littles as they got out some energy "growing" and harvesting veggies. 

W making waves!

Tamar and Andrew making electricity.

William trying his hand as a newscaster. :) This was a fun demo!
A note on W's headband: When we first landed in the US my boys were fascinated by the plethora of US flags and paraphernalia greeting the arriving international passengers by friends/family at the terminal. William saw someone with flags on a headband and could not rest until he too had one! Fortunately, it was a good time of year to find one. :)

Then the other two got in on the chaos fun. 

Tamar testing her wing resistance. :)

Flying a plane is so exciting!

Cooling off outside before hitting the pool. :)

July 3: LA ZOO

July 3

Next stop-- LA Zoo!
A meerkat. These animals are apparently William's new favorite. :)

This critter was so crazy-- look how teensy his legs are!

Elephants-- always a hit.

Andrew working the social scene...

This guy looked like he hated life (and I can't blame him). He spent his time pacing around the cage in a circle.

This tortoise was huge!

Sizing up paws. :)

Trying to cool off!

I love to see the hippos-- I was sad this was the only view we got of them that day.

A Rhino-- so weird looking!


Silly posers!

Sassy here wouldn't look at me. ;)

Another fan of his life. :(

This momma and Andrew were so cute together! 

She kept putting her hands where Andrew's were! She must have recognized Andrew for what he really is.. a monkey. *heart*

Koala! So cool. I've been fascinated with them since elementary school. 

This is just how we roll...

A Komodo Dragon-- highlight of the trip for all four boys. ;)