Meet Hannah Claire :)
She is healthy and an angel girl and we're so very delighted to finally meet her! She joined us on Tuesday with a very quick labor and delivery. We are all surprised how teensy she is! She was even smaller than Cameron who was born nearly 3 weeks before she was. My dainty girl!
(She looks a lot like Cameron in this picture)
This is what she does most. Sleep. Angel girl!
This is what Daddy does most-- snap iphone photos of Hannah...
... and kiss her face. :)
I love them!
Hannah at home-- testing out her new crib. I think she likes it!
Her poor little heel is so bruised from the PKU tests at the hospital.
The boys *adore* her. I have fabulous pictures, thanks to a dear friend, of their first time meeting her that I'll post up soon. :) Just wanted ya'll to get your Hannah fix. *love*!