Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tux Tuesday

Poor Cameron. He walked out of his room, protesting a nap, just as Annie (N's sister) and I were making our way to check out the light in the kids toyroom (aka- my make-shift studio [minus the lights, still waiting for an adapter for those...grrr.]). The light was decent! Poor Cameron was roped in as our little model because I have a Tux in his size that William wore for my sister's wedding a couple years ago. We got pictures of all the kids to some extent (nearly all of William are mid-tantrum, and Andrew mid-slobber), but this post is for the middle child to shine. Enjoy.

I'd just taken off the tux to revisit the nap situation... enter: Toga-Cameron. This boy is never without his blanket!

Dang it, he's gorgeous!
Are we DONE yet, Mom?
Never, son. Never.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Highlights from PARIS

You missed us, right? We're back from our trip! And almost recovered.... except for laundry. We went on a five-day trip to France. The land of amazing pastries, Nathaniel's favorite dictionary store, and did I say amazing pastries? Here are picture highlights. There are still a lot of pictures, and I promise: these are just the highlights!

After the long drive to our hotel villa (which was AMAZING-- the hotel, not the drive), N's sister and her two awesome friends met us so they could stay with our boys and Nathaniel and I could venture into Paris.

Can you tell we're happy to be there? PARIS. There is just something about that city.

The next day we all went to Disneyland. :)

I may have been the most giddy of the bunch. I'm okay with that. Even if I only got to go on one ride (life is different when you're the parent!), it was awesome. The place was nowhere near typical Disney capacity and lines were non-existent.

Cameron's reaction to seeing Mickey Mouse on stage. He was so fun and animated, and then fell asleep 2 minutes after the show was over. Haha!

While C was sleeping we went to visit Woody. We also met with Pooh and Mickey and Minnie (who were acting seriously bizarre....).

Getting ready to metro into the city.

Cool aquarium.

Funny glowing skull thing in the aquarium. Why not kiss it?

McDonald's on Champs-Elysees. Mmm.

Arc de Triomphe with N's sisters and dad. See the family resemblance? (Thank you to N's mom Julie for keeping our boys so we could trek all over the city!).

Catacombs. I've wanted to visit for years. It was worth the wait. Crazy.

See those? Bullet holes.

Playing in the park at the Eiffel Tower.

Aunt Annie and Andrew.

If you don't know what this is, you've lived under a rock for your entire life.

If you know what this is, you should go on Jeopardy! On our way to Verdun we found an 11th century church. So beautiful.

Verdun. Amazing.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Toddler Talents

My children have a variety of talents and gifts...

Honestly... how many people could sleep in a position like this? Head just hanging in the air? Amazing.

Andrew makes his talents known in the kitchen. This is actually the SECOND bag he has taken a bite out of. Time to get some more Tupperware.

Cameron decided to "help" me with my knitting after I was summoned upstairs by little Prince Andrew.

Glad I was only on the third row.

Note to self: knit only when the kids are sleeping.

And now William...

William has been VERY into drawing lately. I was astonished as these random non-distinguishable scribbles/blobs evolved into actual faces, pumpkins and ghosts. Out of the blue last week he said "I'm going to draw a 'W'"... and he did. And an 'A'. And a 'C' (for his brothers).

Yesterday William asked for a pen and paper and said "I'm going to write my name."


He did.

Actual picture and translation for all 'yall with trouble seeing the pink-on-pink.

And again-- minus one "i", but still more distinguishable.

*Readers, fear not. I won't endlessly post my kids' pictures that primarily his parents think are awesome and everyone else thinks are junk... just let a proud momma beam for a minute here. :) I know every kid reaches this point, and many kids at ages far younger than my big boy. But it's just a milestone that blows me away! He's growing up so fast.
Here is another drawing that made my jaw drop. He first drew the picture, then colored it in, and then told me about it. Great job, buddy!

My proud artist.

Love these little monsters. I even love that Cameron loves my helping me knit with my "setting noodles" (not sure why he can't quite manage to say 'knitting needles' haha!). Andrew eating the flour--- I love that a little less. But I still love that baby.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Baby, you're beautiful.

I may be biased... but isn't he gorgeous??

My lovely friend Kellie made Andrew this sweater as a gift when he was born. I love it! Baby boy got his first haircut a few days ago (another advance on his brother's records, by two entire months). He was thoroughly traumatized-- fortunately, kids forget quickly and immediately after putting away the clippers he was his ever-lovin' Momma's boy again. Growing in to his sweater AND getting a haircut warranted his own photo shoot.

I love you, my sweet baby!