You missed us, right? We're back from our trip! And almost recovered.... except for laundry. We went on a five-day trip to France. The land of amazing pastries, Nathaniel's favorite dictionary store, and did I say amazing pastries? Here are picture highlights. There are still a lot of pictures, and I promise: these are just the highlights!
After the long drive to our hotel villa (which was AMAZING-- the hotel, not the drive), N's sister and her two awesome friends met us so they could stay with our boys and Nathaniel and I could venture into Paris.

Can you tell we're happy to be there? PARIS. There is just something about that city.
The next day we all went to Disneyland. :)

I may have been the most giddy of the bunch. I'm okay with that. Even if I only got to go on one ride (life is different when you're the parent!), it was awesome. The place was nowhere near typical Disney capacity and lines were non-existent.

Cameron's reaction to seeing Mickey Mouse on stage. He was so fun and animated, and then fell asleep 2 minutes after the show was over. Haha!

While C was sleeping we went to visit Woody. We also met with Pooh and Mickey and Minnie (who were acting seriously bizarre....).

Getting ready to metro into the city.

Cool aquarium.

Funny glowing skull thing in the aquarium. Why not kiss it?

McDonald's on Champs-Elysees. Mmm.

Arc de Triomphe with N's sisters and dad. See the family resemblance? (Thank you to N's mom Julie for keeping our boys so we could trek all over the city!).

Catacombs. I've wanted to visit for years. It was worth the wait. Crazy.

See those? Bullet holes.

Playing in the park at the Eiffel Tower.

Aunt Annie and Andrew.

If you don't know what this is, you've lived under a rock for your entire life.

If you know what this is, you should go on Jeopardy! On our way to Verdun we found an 11th century
church. So beautiful.

Verdun. Amazing.