Thursday, June 24, 2010

we're here!

We're here! and pathetically, this is the ONLY picture I've taken the entire time. Jet-Lag is a beast. Miss all my dear Maryland folks... and of course still miss the people we usually miss who are in other parts of the country. We're still getting things organized here, and once things settle down a bit, I swear I'll take and put up more pictures. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dutch Wonderland

Yesterday we had the first day of our 3-day vacation at Dutch Wonderland. The verdict? A hit! With us and the kids. It was so refreshing to have a park where nearly every ride was toddler friendly. I think we went on almost every ride and never waited more than 5 minutes. Excellent.

Cameron did struggle a little bit. The kid was exhausted.
Waiting for the Thomas show to begin.
There was just no point trying to get them to look at the camera when they had Thomas to look at...
Family Gondola ride. Even Andrew got to go on this one.
Andrew's eventful "ride" was the stroller. My growing baby!
Who says this park is just for little kids? (William is hiding on the other side of Nathaniel).
I love seeing my boys so happy.

Seriously, this park was awesome. Very user friendly! We can't wait to visit again when Andrew can be a more active participant.

Friday, June 11, 2010


dang. this kid is CUTE.

Occasionally people [fess up that they] are concerned about his little birthmark.
It's just a little stork bite. :)
I had it too when I was born, and so did Cameron (his is still there when he's mad or hot).
It'll fade... and I'll miss it.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


For Memorial day weekend, we had the opportunity to go down to Duck, NC to meet up with Nathaniel's parents, brother, and sister. Not a successful sleep weekend, but in every other aspect, it was awesome. Cameron was our personal alarm clock the last two mornings there-- up well before sunrise to make sure we wouldn't miss it. It actually turned out to be the best time of day to be at the beach anyway!

Can someone tell me who this grown up boy is? It certainly can't be my little Cameron!
Enjoying breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. Cameron can always be counted on to come and confiscate whatever you're eating. (Thanks Ralph & Julie for organizing the fun trip and beach house!)

Uncle Johnny

These two could be HOLY TERRORS at the beach house, and as soon as they hit the sand with their buckets, they were transformed children--completely enchanted by the endless sand and ocean.


I kid you not, we keep our local ER in business. A week and a bit ago my little Cameron monkey was balancing with his feet on the arm of the couch and his hands on the side of the coffee table. Deciding to do a little dance in this position proved to be problematic as his feet slid off and in between the two pieces of furniture, and his head caught the table on the way down.

Silly monkey. 5 stitches (4 of which fell out before they were supposed to be cut out).

a numbing gel stuck over the wound
posing with a balloon daddy made to pass the time
finishing up the job. he did pretty darn well!