Friday, November 14, 2008

catch up

Sorry, Friends. I know it's been a while. Here is a (long) photo summary of what we've been up to:

Cameron has started smiling and it makes him even more irresistible.
-Great Falls, VA-
This past weekend Nathaniel's parents, and my brother and sister came into town to celebrate Cameron's blessing with us (a separate post on that later). On Monday we all went to Great Falls for a little family outdoors time.

Dang it, he's a gorgeous child!
We prepped for the trip by finally buying a deluxe kid backpack. I was surprised that William was even willing to get into the thing- but he seemed to really enjoy the view. After about 1/2 hour he started to say "all done!", but not long after that we found him like this:
Thanks Grandpa Ralph for hauling our sleeping prince!
Family photo. All freezing our tukkusses off together. (Can you spy Cameron?)
Grandpa & William livin' it up.
When William woke up from his nap and saw the falls he kept saying "Wow! WOW!"

An enhanced photo of the falls.

-At Home-
Getting a picture of these two together is risky business! William has the hardest time resisting the temptation to "steamroll" his little brother.
Oh dear. My sister opened a whole can of worms when she put William into the baby swing... Now he wants in ALL. THE. TIME.
For Halloween we laid low. I took William trick-or-treating around our cul-de-sac, and that was it. The little love REFUSED to wear his costume though, so no pictures of that!

The itsy bitsy spider.

During Cameron's photo shoot, William climbed up and said his proudest "DEEESE" (cheese).
-Poppy & Grammy-
My dad and stepmom came out from california to meet Cameron. It was so much fun to have them here to play!Grammy was an especially good sport riding the rickety, speed racing merry-go-round at the inner harbor.
There you go! All caught up! *Bisous*