Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunshine days!

Oh my, I'm so happy that the sun is shining! Today I actually worked up the motivation to get outside after William's morning nap. We went to the park to foster his new passion: the swing! He can't get enough and is often moved to tears when it's time to get out. I took lots of pictures. It was warm enough to take off his hat, probably, but I was worried someone would walk by shaking their finger at me! It's been known to happen! Mostly I think they were just a bit shocked that I was letting him crawl around in the sand. One guy with a dog, Mia, thought it was great though. Just as refreshing as the warmer air and sunshine.

The happy boy on his first swing ride. On Friday we walked to meet Nathaniel at work for lunch and stopped at this park. He cried for 5 minutes after we left until I gave him my sunglasses. In most of the pictures his little bear hat kind of makes his head glow! My little Bear Angel.

First swing ride- I hope that the video doesn't make you motion sick.

Hmmm...Where did that apple wagon wheel go??

William has found a make-shift walker. As you can see, he gets very upset when he runs out of room!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Three Weeks!

Three weeks from this moment we'll be arriving in the mainland! YAY! Get ready y'all...we'll see you soon!

Things I can't wait for at home:
-Our ward
-Highchair for William
-My own car
-Bedroom doors
-Playmates for William and mommy!

Things I'll miss about Germany:
-Our ward
-Hello, it's Europe!
-Being as close to France as I am to PA back home.
-Our good friends out here
-Our adventures
-The bread. Mmmm.
-Easy public transportation
-Housekeeping changing the linens and cleaning the bathroom every Friday

Things I won't miss about Germany:
-Our itty-bitty living space
-Hearing our neighbors and worrying about them hearing William
-Our weekly housecleaner, WITHOUT FAIL, telling me that William needs to have socks on and that he got sick because he doesn't wear socks enough. He's INDOORS, WOMAN! She also tells me to wear socks.
-The hard water
-German (sorry, it's just not my language)
-Euro/Dollar exchange rate
-Hand washing dishes

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Momma's big helper

My sweet William is such a helper!! Anytime I open the fridge, washer, cuboard, or wardrobes he is right behind me ready to get involved and help!
"Don't worry mom, I'll reorganize in here for you."

This isn't so much a 'helping' shot. It's just another one of his favorite things to do.
Same here- another favorite thing to do. He was a happy boy those days when Daddy was home sick. When Nathaniel comes home from work he can't even get off his coat before William is pulling himself up on his legs crying to be picked up. All my attempts to make him a momma's boy have been in vain. He's a Daddy's boy, to be sure.

This week William has figured out how to open the cupboard under the sink. Fabulous.
He LOVES the washing machine! Unfortunately- he's tall enough now that his excited palms slamming the maching hit buttons and change the cycle or turn the dang thing off. Without intervention it takes 2 hours as it is! When he's been near it- I always have to make sure it's still running or it'll take all day to get a load washed. He's also figured out this week how to open the drawer that you pour the detergent in. Fabulous.
William's tub doubles as a laundry basket. In this picture he'd climbed in so he could throw all the clean clothes out.

Helping to put the laudry away, or rather, tearing everything out of the wardrobe.

The lighting on this really is terrible, but his little bum looks sooo cute when he dances!