Monday, January 06, 2014

New Years Hike

We celebrated New Years with a family hike at Cunningham Falls state park. It was cold, but a fun way to get out of the house! 

 Deep thoughts.

 Busy boy!

 Happiness is rocks to climb on. 

 Keepin the little one steady. :) 

Uncle L posing


Snack break with cousin O

He was annoyed I wouldn't let him pee in the woods (with the nat'l park guide right behind us... otherwise I would have. haha!) 

So cute!

 Looking for "bish" in the water. 

 The falls weren't frozen, but all the side streams were.

She was so good!

 It's so fun to finally live near some family!

 This would only happen to Nathaniel. While walking along he managed to catch some falling bird poop on his hand! haha! 

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Hannah:11 weeks old

Today Hannah is 15 weeks old.... but here are shots from four weeks ago. My little beauty! 


Kids Photoshoot...

I set up an awesome backdrop and lights, and decided to try to get THE shot of the kids.. ya know, the winner that you frame and put over the fireplace. 
No. Dice. 
Here's frame by frame of how it went down (with no editing out the background bc none were quite worthy of that):

photobombed by andrew
getting hyper 
Showing off muscles a la Daddy

 Cameron is thrilled to be a participant...


 Ah.. Almost there Cameron! That's almost a smile!

 And.. we back pedal. 

Andrew mocking Cameron

 And William retaliating.

Andrew mocking William

Oh man.  
 No negotiations, Cameron. I want a dang picture!

The best of the bunch. Such a silly bunch of kids! 

Their own pose. Hannah was definitely not into this one!

 Do you see "Help, Mom!" in that stare?

Little Angel Girl 

 Maybe I should frame this one too.. just for good measure. 

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Oh yeah... remember when I blogged? It just seems like it is something so very low on the priority list... but then browsing through old blog posts makes me so happy! So... I better try to get this going again. :) 

We got a tree this year-- first time in three or four years we bought a full sized tree (rather than a table-top size tree). Andrew did a terrific job decorating this branch! 

Yah-- we never know what Cameron is doing either. He's a little bit crazy... just like the rest of us. :)

 Final touches!

 And! A tripod family photo WIN! Seriously-- everyone has their eyes open and looking at the camera (except Hannah, but she's beautiful anyway). 

 Since the first shot worked impressively well, we went for a second which was almost as awesome, but you can't see the tree. 

 Here is the Christmas card I designed... but never sent out. Here is your virtual copy, my friends! 

Christmas Magic... sitting up at night staring at the tree. That tiny white stocking is one William made for "Tom Elf", our elf on the shelf.