Why do I Blog?

Life is so fast & furious with 3 young children, working from home, ect that I fear I will forget the lovely details of my girls' precious childhood.

My main motivation for blogging is to capture the every day moments...so I don't forget them before I have a chance to scrapbook. Sharing with you is just an added bonus. Keeping this blog has helped me get the photos off my camera's memory card and label/organize them on my laptop. It is the BEST tool I have for scrapbooking. I haven't ever been able to keep a journal, but this I can do. I don't pretend to have anything interesting to say. In fact I'm sure this little blog is boring to you, but to me it is priceless!


Friday, December 3, 2010

2 Photos by Eileen

WOW!  That is all I can say about the photos my neighbor, Eileen, took of my girls.  The photos are amazing.  I can’t wait to get them on my walls.

Kylie,  3 years old




Allie, 5 years old



Jessica: 4.5 months




3 Sisters



Me with my girls



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

0 You should really come!

I'll be selling lots of crochet things: 
  • "diva do rags"
  • headbands
  • flower hair clips
  • baby booties
  • ect.
I'll have some items ready to take home and order forms to get exactly the colors you want.
See my Crafting blog for more details


Friday, October 29, 2010

2 Enjoying my new office/craft room

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You can go to MY CRAFT BLOG to see pics of my new office/craft room.  I’m loving having my OWN space.  But even if it is my space, I share with the rest of the family.  This morning Kylie colored princess pictures on the crafting table next to my desk.  Jessica hung out, literally, in the doorway.  This was her first time, so there wasn’t much jumping going on.  It was handy to have the tray catch her spit-up - YUCK!

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3 Jessica Jo Grows!!!



Jessie is a joy to have in her family.  I can’t get over how FAST she is growing up.  I could just eat her up.

PS – I got this bebePod seat on www.ksl.com for $10!  She loves to be up.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

0 New blogs unveiled

This poor family blog was getting crammed with book-stuff, so I moved it all to a new blog.  I'm still getting everything settled, but check it out!

Oh, the link is over there on the LEFT side bar...at the TOP.

Oh, and while I was at it, I created another blog for all my crafting, too.

Monday, September 27, 2010

1 Jessica's 7 week photos

These were taken by the wonderfully talented Eileen Workman.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

0 My name is Sarah, and I am a BOOK addict.

Yes, I am an addict...of books. I frequently binge.

Recently I discovered 'Jenson Books' here in Logan, and they have become a big supplier of mine...along with 'Half.com'. I also love to use 'Good Reads' to find new books. You can click on my gadget on the left hand side to check it out.

Check out my tabs above. I had to catalog my books to avoid duplicates at Jenson's and to compile a wish-list for half.com.

I'm all about sharing, so if you see something you want to borrow, give a holler. If you have a title on my wishlist, will you lend to me?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

0 Recent pics

I know, I know.  I have TONS to blog:  Jessica's first few weeks & blessing, Allies broken arm, my hospital stays... but for now, here are a few pictures taken by Aja Jemmett, my cousin's wife.  See her blog for more amazing shots. http://www.detailsmissed.blogspot.com/


Sunday, August 1, 2010

1 The rest of July 2010

Backyard: water hopscotch

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Loving Big Sisters


Lazy summer evenings with Daddy



Allie learned how to do front flips on the tramp…perfect on her first try!

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Kylie is such a little mommy


Three Sisters


Jessica graduated to full baths

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Jessica is growing too fast!

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