WOW! That is all I can say about the photos my neighbor, Eileen, took of my girls. The photos are amazing. I can’t wait to get them on my walls.
Kylie, 3 years old
Allie, 5 years old
Jessica: 4.5 months
3 Sisters
Me with my girls
"To everything there is a SEASON"
Life is so fast & furious with 3 young children, working from home, ect that I fear I will forget the lovely details of my girls' precious childhood.
My main motivation for blogging is to capture the every day I don't forget them before I have a chance to scrapbook. Sharing with you is just an added bonus. Keeping this blog has helped me get the photos off my camera's memory card and label/organize them on my laptop. It is the BEST tool I have for scrapbooking. I haven't ever been able to keep a journal, but this I can do. I don't pretend to have anything interesting to say. In fact I'm sure this little blog is boring to you, but to me it is priceless!
WOW! That is all I can say about the photos my neighbor, Eileen, took of my girls. The photos are amazing. I can’t wait to get them on my walls.
Kylie, 3 years old
Allie, 5 years old
Jessica: 4.5 months
3 Sisters
Me with my girls
Jessie is a joy to have in her family. I can’t get over how FAST she is growing up. I could just eat her up.
PS – I got this bebePod seat on for $10! She loves to be up.
Backyard: water hopscotch
Loving Big Sisters
Lazy summer evenings with Daddy
Allie learned how to do front flips on the tramp…perfect on her first try!
Kylie is such a little mommy
Three Sisters
Jessica graduated to full baths
Jessica is growing too fast!