Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Santa,

We have been nice this year. Our Christmas wish dream:
With Love, The Vashers

P.S. Well maybe in 20 years.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Just call him Nathan "Bobby Flay" Vasher

...but don't really or else he'll kill me. 

Nathan has always wanted to cook a turkey. He decided this was the year and picked out a 22 pounder. 
We had a really great Thanksgiving dinner at our friends' house. 
And for the day after Nathan scoured the internet until he came up with the perfect recipe

The Before

The After
 Can I say "YUM!"

Was this my teeny baby born just a month ago? 

What happens when Daddy gets a phone call while filling the bathtub. 


Sunday, November 14, 2010

2 girls on a Sunday

This is how I keep myself entertained while Nate is gone on Sundays. 
I tried to get some without the massive binky. No dice. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Never blog about a good thing.

24 hours later

Kendyl, I totally agree. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Fall, Where have you been all my life!

Between my 18 years in sunny CA (who knew leaves change colors?) and my 5 in snowy ID, I have yet to experience a true fall. Don’t believe me—check it out here

But get a load of the view outside our balcony this year.
And the best part--we don't even have to rake it all up. 

 Still warm enough to be barefoot. 
And why change out of your PJs? 
Because between a lazy recovering mom (who happens to also be in her PJs at 5:00 pm) and Daylight Savings where its practically dark by afternoon anyways--it just doesn't happen everyday. 

Josie doing what she does best. 

Finally with her eyes open!

How to bribe your grandkid (and daughter).... stop crying on the way to the airport.
Chocolate ice cream!

Kendyl and Josie saying goodbye to Gramma.

My mom left last Thursday and boy do I miss sleeping in ‘til 10 every morning. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We borrowed this costume from our friends. 
Kendyl LOVED wearing it. We could barely get it off her for bed-time. 
Once she saw herself in the mirror she kept feeling her bunny ears to make sure they were still there.

 Kendyl and Gramma at the Trunk or Treat.
She's a bunny girl. 

And Josie just chillin'. 
I never dreamed I would have this little treat before Halloween--but very happy I did.