Toward the end of my pregnancy I was certain he would be born early. I also thought because he was number 4 that he would just come quick. Ha I don't know why I do that to myself. So I scheduled an induction day on the 28th of December. I really didn't want to wait until after the new year and or pay double for my hospital bill. The night of the 28th I got cold feet and thought maybe I should listen to our parents and just wait. So instead of getting induced I chose to see my midwife and see if I had progressed at all. Also during that week, I got this rash called puppps rash and I explained to my midwife about how painfully itchy it was on my belly. She told me it would go away after I delivered Cooper. I was pretty bummed that I waited and missed my induction time on the 28th so out of desperation I asked when I could be induced again. She came back and told me the 31st.
I went back and forth on this date... Should his birthday be new years eve? ha. So without too much thinking I went with it. At 2 am on December 31st Nate and I checked into the hospital. It was 20 degrees and super windy outside. I will never forget how cold it was.
By 3 am I was all hooked up and ready to have a baby. Then about 5 am I was getting good contractions and close to 7 or 8 am I got the epidural. After the epidural me and the babies heart rate went down and I had to stop the pitocin and wait until the babies heart rate was normal. It was so odd since I never had experienced anything like that. So by 9 am they hooked the pitocin on and got things moving. It really felt like forever to get my body dilated again. I was getting impatient because the others moved along so much quicker. Closer to 12pm I was feeling strong contractions and when my body was fully dialed and I was ready to push. When I did start pushing I felt like Coop would never come. At 1:49 Cooper Lee Nelson came into this world weighing 8lbs. 2oz. and 21inches long. I will never forget when my midwife layed Cooper on my Chest and I held onto his little hands and he just clenched my finger so tight. I felt such an immediate connection with this little babe. I am definitely feeling complete with our family and glad I don't have to go through pregnancy anymore. But can't help but miss this beautiful part of my life of having babies.
I truly love that I have such great memories of our children's birth.
Here are a few pics that Nate took of Cooper minutes after being born and a few I took the next morning in the hospital.