
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holiday Happenings

Choir Concert

On December 20, Nate sang in a Christmas concert with the Utah Voices.  It went very well especially since he forgot his music!  Luckily someone had a copy he could use.  It was fun to have so many people come see the concert including Rebecca's family (Allan , Ben , Rosanne,  Stephanie, Gram  & Gramp, Paul and Julie) mine ( Melissa and Grandma Scott) and some of our BYU friends ( Tom, Haley, and Brian Hansen .) Some of us went to Chili's afterwards and had a good time catching up and making faces at the camera.

Grandma and Melissa
Haley looks on in disbelief as Tom and Brian make crazy faces

Family Christmas Program

The Peaden family always has a Christmas program on the Sunday before Christmas where each family shares some talents.  This year Rebecca and I sang a duet accompanied by Paul.  Allan and Ben also played a cello/piano duet, and Julie told a story she wrote.

Christmas Eve 

We stayed with Rebecca's parents from Sunday night to Wednesday.  On Monday, we played in the snow a little, took Austin sledding for the first time, and visited my Aunt  Cheryl and her family for lunch.  They warned us that Andrew had the flu, but against our better judgement we stayed.  (Rebecca and Austin are still getting over it)


Christmas is always an all-day affair with Rebecca's family.  We started around 8:00 with looking at our stockings.  Santa and his wife gave Austin a set of colored blocks with his stocking which contained some candy and banana (or mamama as Austin says it).  After looking at stockings we got dressed and had omelets and muffins for breakfast as tradition mandates then opened the presents with Rebecca's immediate family.  Our big gift was a new laptop since our current laptop has a battery life of 0.0 seconds among other problems.  Austin also got a 'laptop' from our relatives which he loves. We then had lunch in Murray with the Peadens and opened a few gifts from Rebecca's grandmother.  Dinner was back in Orem with the Browns (Julie's family) followed by another generous helping of gifts to open.  We almost had more gifts than we could fit in our car to take home (although a dog kennel and a car seat are partially to blame)! 

After Christmas

The day after Christmas we played in the snow a little more then ended up going home early because Rebecca wasn't feeling well.  We were really disappointed that we didn't get to go snowshoeing or sledding with Ben and Allan.  Originally some of my family was going to visit Utah after Christmas, but they had to turn back because of the snow storm.  I guess it would not have been much fun anyway with Rebecca and Austin feeling ill.  The rest of this week we've just been hanging out,  playing with our gifts, resting and Rebecca's been working on card orders. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Decorating the Christmas Tree

This year we had Austin help us decorate our Christmas Tree. (This even actually occurred about a week and a half after Thanksgiving, but we haven't had a chance to post anything about it until now.) He absolutely loved it.

(For anyone listening closely, you are hearing Moglie in the background saying "Come On.")

A few days after decorating our tree, we got a package in the mail from Nate's parents, and Austin got a little block ornament made by his Grandma Scott. He says "Thank you!"