Since I am the Webelos den leader in our ward and Nate is the Cub Scout Master, Wednesday evening Nate and I took the Webelos Scouts in our ward on a hike so they could pass off a requirement for their Outdoorsman badge. Unfortunately, things didn't go quite as planned. There are only two scouts in the den. One of them showed up promptly at 5:30 well prepared for the hike. The other scout did not. We waited quite awhile at the church for him, but he didn't come. We couldn't really go on the hike without him, and he didn't live far away, so we thought we would just drive over to his house and pick him up.
Only, he wasn't at his house. One of his siblings informed us he had gone roller blading to the store with a sister but would be back soon. Well, soon the sister returned, but not the scout. He had gone to the church. So, we went back to the church to pick him up there. As he told us, he had realized he needed to get some things for the hike, so he left his house and roller bladed to the grocery store at 5:15 to buy some things.
Before we could actually head out to the hike, we had a couple more delays. We needed gas, and we had forgotten our flash lights. At first I thought this wouldn't be a problem, but since we were running so late, we realized we needed to go back and get them.
After all that, we didn't start hiking until about an hour later than I had hoped. So much for getting back by about 7:30! We didn't get back until 9:00. We went all the slower coming back down the canyon in the dark.

But the hike itself was fun, and the boys enjoyed it. We went up Adams Canyon, which is actually about a 3.5 mile hike. This is the
same hike we also did at the very beginning of the summer, but it wasn't nearly as crowded this time around, and the water levels were much lower.

Getting back so late was frustrating, but at least we saw some nice lighting and a pretty sunset on our way down.