
Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Peaden Christmas

We spent Christmas this year with my family in Orem. This meant we got up, ate breakfast, opened gifts, drove to Murray to see my dad's side of the family, ate lunch with them, opened more presents, and drove back to Orem. Then my mom's side of the family (my two grandparents and two aunts) came down to eat dinner with us and open another round of presents. It was a lot of fun. The picture above is of my brother Allan with his wrapped spatula and my mom behind him giving him bunny ears. (It is blurry if you look closely, but we decided to post it anyway.)

Nate gave me this book of The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics. It is a very nice copy, and I am pretty excited about it.

Among other really nice things (according to him), I gave Nate this daily Dilbert calendar.

Of course we spent some time playing with our family dog, Apollo, who loves the camera. Actually, he is mostly fascinated by the flash and enjoys trying to "catch" it...

We also visited some friends over our break, including Kristy, Steve, and their baby Jake.

We stopped by to visit some of Nate's extended family too. His cousins had constructed a huge crazy steep sled going down from the top of their house.

Friday night we went with my family to see the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork. They had some pretty cool displays, and it was fun to see and take pictures of.

And Saturday Nate and I went snowshoeing with my brothers Allan and Ben up South Fork Canyon to Big Springs. It was fun, cold, and beautiful! It was also longer than we had planned on, since my brothers decided we should take a different, less traveled route back...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Traveling Through the Snow

Since Nate was going to lose all his vacation time if he didn't use it before this week, he took a day off Friday and we went to Salt Lake City. First we decided to visit the Aviary. Unfortunately for us, it decided to snow a lot that day. It started to snow on us soon after we got to the Aviary. We were very cold, and most of the birds seemed cold too. Many of the birds took shelter inside, but we still enjoyed the ones that were out. The snow also made travel slow and a bit dangerous in our car that is not built to travel well in such conditions, but we were still blessed with a safe trip.

Golden Eagles

Bald Eagle

Seeing the flamingos in the snow made us laugh a bit...

After going to the Aviary, we spent a little time in one of the visitor centers on Temple Square. Then we changed clothes and attended a session in the Salt Lake City Temple. That was a wonderful experience. The only other time I had been in the Salt Lake City temple was several years ago doing baptisms while a couple friends of mine got married there. After finishing the session and changing our clothes again we walked around Temple Square enjoying the lights and taking pictures. Then we listened to a high school choir perform Christmas music in the Assembly Hall before returning home. It was a fantastic day.

Saturday we drove to Logan through more snow to visit Nate's sister Melissa and her family. We gave them their Christmas presents, visited with them, and helped Melissa paint ornaments to give to the mothers of preemies in the hospital. We also played with our nephews and watched them open our gifts. Above is a picture of our nephew Micah and below is Nate receiving a huge hug from our nephews Simon, Max, and Scotty.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Just for Fun

Some of you know how much I like to dance. I convinced Nate to learn some fancy dance moves as well, and we put the following together for your enjoyment:

The Charleston

And since we decided it worked better with three people, my brother Allan helped with this one:

The Disco

Hope you enjoy!

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Our Tree

Our Gingerbread House

Frosting Cookies

Preparing Treats for Caroling

Merry Cuddling!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cyber Monday

Office Depot definitely lost money on this one...who would have thought?