A weekend months in the making.
A year in the scheming.
One built on many prayers for inspiration.
A night sacred to me personally for the miracles that surrounded it.
Our 2024 Hyde Park North Park Stake Women's Conference.
Patterned after what Brandi carried out in her stake last year - but with changes inspired for our own stake and circumstances. Grateful for the seed planted by being able to help her out then.... and for the journey it was that brought us to what happened last night.
I can testify of inspiration that came through the words of others.... and inspiration that came through sudden thoughts and pictures that came to mind. Inspiration that came through music playing on the radio... and inspiration that came in still quiet moments.
I can testify of God's desire for this to happen because of peace that came in the moments of flurried preparation... and of moments of frustration when we battled through details, understanding that the adversary did not want it to go forth.
The miracle of setting up:
I have never claimed to be a visionary person.
But I had distinct visions come to mind on what this could look like.
And I believe on what this was supposed to look like.
The blessing of family to help.
The timing of being able to go in the night before and set up the lights... that went up so much quicker than I ever hoped.
The vision went from my mind, to paper, to production beautifully (Minus that broken accordion door in the gym - nothing can ever go perfect, right?!). Mom asked if it was what I hoped... more than.
The miracle of the candle sconces:
Going home to Mom and Dad's to make them on the only available Saturday for three months.
It happened to be the snowstorm of the century that day. Taking us an hour longer to get there. But finding ourselves safe in our travels to and fro.
Where a valley was without power for days... but their house and shop just happened to be one of the few with power.
The perfect amount of wood scraps to get exactly what we needed.
A quick trip there and back - but abundant in His blessings.
The miracle of the lights:
Worried that I would not be able to figure this out on my own... seeking for help from women in the stake and finding none.... asking dear friends for input, and being discouraged after their difficult personal experiences with it.
The vision of how the gym should look moved me forward.
Seeking to get bids from companies and feeling deflated at the astounding prices keeping us at bay.
Reading and studying and researching options.
Then coming across a thought and process that felt doable.
And seeing it all come together - without one broken light! - beautifully humbling.
The miracle of Joslyn:
How excited she was to be able to sing this song that she had fallen in love with. Hours upon hours practiced.
To come down with a horrible cold the Monday before.
Her anxiety and fears went wild as she feared she would not be ready and able to sing by Saturday.
Tears shed. A priesthood blessing. Prayers cried. Lots of pep talks of faith and trust from mother to daughter (and heaven sending it down to me!). The words of the song came to my mind to sing back to her in a very personal way:
"Josy, Josy, don't you worry, Jesus is your friend - He wants to bless the ones who show their faithfulness..."
As the day before came into play, she was still struggling with a scratchy throat and definitely hurting.
More tears, more prayers, trying every trick we knew to bring relief and healing to her.
As she showed up that night for the event, we slipped into the darkness of the chapel and hugged one another, taking time for one more prayer. Then the words came to mind as I held her and sang back:
"Josy, Josy, stop your crying, Jesus is your friend. He heals, he weeps, His miracle will bring you peace..."
And sing she did. Her throat hurt still, before and after... but heaven gave her the voice to deliver the message to the hearts of the women there.
The miracle of Brandi:
When one of the numbers backed out last minute, I needed a guitarist to sing this song. But I never felt panicked. A simple whisper to ask Brandi came to my mind and heart.
She came serving whole heartedly. And her song certainly touched aching hearts in that room.
The miracle of sign language:
What began as a desire to have a dance number... and how I battled through weeks of calling, texting, praying for names, turned down by so many people. The battle of was I supposed to drop this number and thought? But the song felt so good and right and needed. Then why the struggle to pull it all together?!
The inspiration from Alyson to consider using sign language. Finding a video of it being done and a rush of warmth surrounding me. It felt good. Then struggling once more to round up people to make it happen. Jean pulled through in getting the young women to perform it, practicing with them..... a burden off my shoulders.
And then seeing the joy of it happen on the stage... and how we had a sister there unknown to us that sign language was her first language and how it spoke deeply to her. But God knew. And therefore the miracle of it all.
The miracle of the food:
The planning beforehand... seeing what was important come to surface and what was not go to the wayside.
Finding simple inspiration for what would be feasible with our numbers.
Watching the women who came together to prep and getting it done in an incredibly fast amount of time... the joy of serving together!
Abundance! We used the leftovers to feed again for the General RS Broadcast that was happening tonight ... and still had leftovers.
And coming in under budget when all was said and done.
Only God can make that kind of abundance.
The miracle of the program:
Brandi was my miracle in helping to take on the video, having done it before. She did it so quickly and relieved such a stress from my shoulders in doing so:
While the musical numbers seemed to come quicker to resolution, the words were a lot longer in coming.
I had a document open on my computer that I would just come type in thoughts, scriptures, quotes, feelings, and more as they came to me. For months. Realizing that we were only a few weeks away, I sat down to try to pull it all together, only to feel completely overwhelmed. These words weren't meant to take the stage, and yet they were important to help transition the message from song to song. And there was so much that could be said! How to put it all together?!
One hour.
I felt the words come, the connection flow. Besides a few simple word tweaks to follow, it was done.
When I did a final read through before passing it on to share with the rest of the presidency, the tears flowed down my face and my heart was bursting. This was my testimony and His message proclaimed. It was a sacred journey with those words, one I will forever treasure.
Almost as if He pulled this whole evening together, just for me to find these words... for ME.
I know God is like that, doing big things in order to touch and change the one.
I love learning more of God and His purposes, witnessing His miracles, and receiving His joy beside these women (missed you, April!)
Was it quite the numbers we hoped for? No. But on this ever so busy weekend, I am grateful for the numbers that did come. To stand at the door and greet them and watch their faces as they came into the room was beautiful. The pictures show some of the details, but the feeling there was palpable and irreplaceable. I hope they felt it, too.
The feedback from the women who came has been humbling.
And strengthening. God was with us in this assuredly.
We will send out this recap to the women of the stake this week.
My heart is full. Hallelujah is all I want to proclaim!
A perfect kick-off to the Easter celebrations upon us.
Oh, how I love Jesus!