I don’t know why I haven’t blogged for a whole month!!! It’s my last full month of maternity leave; June has gone by SO fast! I have been savoring my time away from work and all my time with “MY PRECIOUS!” (Said like Gollum from Lord of the Rings).
A lot has been going on…I suppose I should start with the big news. Nathan has been accepted to graduate school in NEBRASKA. We are moving!
Basically, Nathan was just applying to the U because they have the program he is interested in and because we kinda wanted to stay in Utah. However, after he took the GRE, the University of Nebraska sent him various emails telling him to check out their GIS program and that they wanted him to come to their school. The first time he got an email we laughed about it…Nebraska!?!?! Yeah Right! After the second email we started thinking about it, and checked out their program through their website. It turned out that their faculties’ research aligned better with Nathan’s interests, than the U, and when we got to the financial information page it said that most of their graduate students went to school for FREE! We were hooked…at least hooked into applying and seeing what happened.
SO! He got an acceptance letter from the University of Nebraska in early May. It included the great news that he was also awarded a fellowship, which was based on his academic performance thus far and that it would cover all of his non-resident tuition. It also said that he didn’t have to do anything else besides send in the form to accept it!
This has been an interesting experience and I think Nathan and I have learned much. We are excited for this adventure and we are totally appreciative of our families’ overwhelming support for our decision to take this opportunity in Nebraska. Since we made this decision we have received more information from the GIS program at Nebraska that only confirms that Nebraska is where we belong for the next two years.
Nathan is excited to go back to school. He LOVES to learn. I’m excited for him! This is truly going to be an adventure!
We are still looking for housing out there. We immediately applied for the university family housing and soon found out we were #70 on the waiting list. Chances are we won’t get into family housing at all….ever. So, we are using the internet to find an apartment in Lincoln. It’s a fun process (not really) but it will speed up now that it’s July 1. Everyone was telling us that they wouldn’t know what openings they would have until after July 1. BAM! July 1, game on!
In a nut shell…Nathan has been accepted to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He will be working toward a Masters in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) which is basically a two year program. Our last day of work will be August 15, that night we will pack all our stuff in the biggest U-haul trailer available and embark on our move the very next morning. My mom and dad are pulling the trailer behind their Toyota Tundra and we will be driving our Honda. It’s gonna be fun! The closer it gets the more nervous I get…but, I KNOW it is right. Faith not fear!
Ok. This blog is long enough. I’ll write another one soon. I truly have a lot to blog about! Sorry I took a month off. Hopefully someone is still checking our blog.