Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Kellie

Why do you take such great pictures?

Got Milk?

Smile by Chubs
Body by Milk.
Lots of it...Whole Milk...23 Pounds of it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

See, It's Not Just Me.,,20268497,00.html

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Paranoid Much?

Yesterday Pita threw a large sized rock into the air and it landed square on her head. There's a nice fatty egg sized lump underneath her hair- which I'm grateful covers it because if it didn't, we'd have to be explaining a black eye.

I'm so sad about Natasha Richardson's death- what a sad way to go and so sudden. But in it's wake, it has me paranoid about any "blunt impact to the head." I can't stop thinking, what if Pita has internal bleeding and doesn't really get what's going on and then all of a sudden she's just going to be gone. I know it's morbid but everytime I read something about Natasha I can't help but wonder in the back of my head about Pita's head. 

Just had to put it out there- B keeps telling me how ridiculous I am. I figure I haven't panicked and been psycho about my kids in a while so I'm cashing in my card for this one.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Morning Walk By

There's something disconcerting about finding lipstick on the straw of your daughters' juice box. I stopped and did a double take at first. 

Nice to know at least Pita gets herself ready before breakfast!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Only a 3 Minute Car Ride Home!

Take a Mini one of these (acquired after Pita's dance class)
Give it to Chubs in the car
And end up with one happy, messy baby that takes longer to clean up
than the cookie itself took to self destruct in his posession!

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's In The Genes

Something that even her Grandpa Wong (a self-proclaimed proffesional dish washer) would be proud of, Pita has learned the love of dish washing. Or what she likes to call "the dishes needs shower." It's awesome. I'm stoked she has no idea this is a chore but wants to do all of it. We tried one evening to let her wash the dishes but there was way too much leftover food and debris on them. Ewww.
So I clean it first and then let her think she's getting is super clean.
Her fave part is the hose that she uses to help them finish off their shower. This, my friends, is child labor at it's finest. Next up, cleaning the bathroom! (Kidding. Well sort of.)