Sunday, May 9, 2010



happy 2nd birthday to the squishiest boy around
we love you SO much

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


happy happy 4th birthday
to the most irreplaceable girl in our lives.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who's Doka and Where's Chubs

Awhile ago we used to tickle Chubs and say "tickle tickle." Which later he turned into "doka doka" as he would tickle himself. It sorta just stuck. Which is probably a good thing because we didn't want him growing up with a complex being called Chubs. So there you have it. That's where Chubs went and Doka came in.

Fast Forward thru Fall

We did Disney a bunch

Caught up with our very BFF's

Collected spoons at Yogurtland


and grew
had some sanitary entertainment

collected ourselves into a candy coma

yo ho

glam with her girls

turned 30 =(

got even girlier.

don't ask

why I'm so behind, why I feel guilty every time I log on, why I can't motivate myself the way I can motivate myself to check Facebook a million times a day, and why it's January and you're about to hear about October.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Texas Fun

They have this awesome water park type thing a couple towns over that we had a blast at.
Chillin with the SILs.
Chubs couldn't get enough of this slide!
Marley was the wildest cat. Pita and Chubs were obsessed with her. She'd roam around and would do the funniest things. Like trap herself in plastic bags.
Topless sweeping is all the rage in Texas.
This Mater toy was always the center of many fights. These smiles were a fluke, it usually was a bunch of tears instead.
The cousins! Too bad Pita ruined a super cute truck pic with her grouchy face. Oh well. There's always one.
Pottsboro Elementary had this awesome free fair with tons of free everything! We all got these really cool Jesus bracelets from a Christian church handing out pencils, suckers, and neon WWJD bracelets. Everyone ate their weight in popcorn.
And snow cones.
A trip to the play area would not be complete without a pic on the creepster merry go round.

Pita actually let this woman paint on her face which was a shocker. (Check the cool bracelet)
Group shot!
Our last night we had a fun date night at BJ's with the adults. I seriously had the best hair days in Texas. Go figure.
Good times!


We were lucky enough this past August to go to Texas to be with Uncle Jared and Aunt Vicki as they were sealed in the Dallas temple.
We squeezed in between two weddings that day to steal a picture!

My sister in laws! I'm lucky I get to be the tallest out of all of them =)

OC Fair

Here in Orange County we like to have over priced carnivals that cost an arm and a leg to get in and have ten dollar chicken kabobs. But when you get a Ralph's coupon you just bite the bullet and go!
No trip to the fair would be complete without lots of sugar!
Chubs wanted Pita's candy apple so bad he couldn't see straight. She wouldn't give it up and I didn't want to buy him one. He pouted something terrible.
One of the great free attractions was a kiddie area with these massive snakes. They were awesome!
Pita got over that apple fast so we let Chubs have a stab at it. The thing looked exactly the same when he was done with it. I think candy apples are just glorified suckers.
Time to go! It was a really super hot day at the fair!

Ha ha ha ha ha

Excuses excuses but now I can't find my cord to upload from our camera. So I'm stuck here in November, two weeks before Thanksgiving blogging about Summer. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hawaii P4

The only thing that I wanted to do in Hawaii was find a waterfall and jump off of it. Our last day before we left we decided to venture to this hidden rope swing area. The property is technically private, yet someone has yet to be arrested for being there. The parking area for is usually is a target for break ins, as we so generously saw tons of broken window glass all around the area.

You have to walk through this amazing path that basically looks like a crazy field.
Then you come to this opening with all these fantastic rocks. Beautiful view huh? And the backgrounds' not bad either! Ha ha!
This unbelievably fantastic tree is chilling right at the base of the waterfall. Natives have constructed this amazing rope hanging off to the left and also anchored a latter on the right to get up afterwards.
B took off for the rope right away. It was amazing. I screamed the whole way down. It was amazing how your adrenaline just pushes you!
Hay even went, I was so proud of you. I told her, this might be the bravest thing I've ever done and I'm 29. Don't wait that long to do something like this! My amazing mother went too, she hurt herself on the way down which bummed me out.
You've got to check out the video of me jumping off the waterfall but I have to tell you I almost chickened out. I kept thinking of the crazy rocks and what if I hit one, blah blah. In the video you can hear B calling me a chicken and bawking at me. This is probably the gutsiest thing I've ever done (how lame huh?) I'm so proud of myself! This is us after we both jumped off the waterfall. Success!