Thursday, March 31, 2011

Family Trip to San Diego!!

We went on a little vacation a week and a half ago, and had an absolute blast. We wanted to go some where as a family before this next little baby comes and this was the perfect trip for us. We packed up our little car and headed out on a Tuesday night after Jeff got off work. We stayed in a little hotel outside of willow beach that night, so Jeff could do some work he needed to on Wednesday. The kids and I just hung out in the hotel room that morning and it was actually a lot of fun. I relaxed while the kids jumped on the beds and played. We don't have cable so I got to watch a little TV which was fun for a change. Seriously I was just so excited to not have to worry about cleaning my house, or doing the laundry, or any other responsibility I have at keeping my house in order! When Jeff was done with work we packed up the car and set out for California. On the way we stopped at the Hoover Dam to see the new bridge and it is pretty amazing. The drive to San Diego went really well. The kids took a really good nap in the car and we had lots of things for them to do when they were awake. For the next few days we went to Sea World, the beach, and the San Diego Zoo. We had such a great time. The vacation was perfect. We stayed in a great little hotel that served us free breakfast every morning, and the room was small but great for our needs. We came back to the hotel every night exhausted from the days walking and activities, and relaxed. Jeff got to watch a lot of basketball which was good, and the kids just had fun being some where different. We ate at some great places. I brought a bunch of food from home so we ate a lot, but that's what your supposed to do on vacation right? It was so fun being with each other everyday for a few days. We laughed till we cried, we had pillow fights, and lots of wrestling matches. The kids especially loved having daddy around all day long. I'm so glad that we went on this trip. It was very much needed for all of us!

The Hoover Dam

We went to Hoover Dam on Wednesday after Jeff got done working at Willow Beach. We walked across the new bridge and it was amazing and scary at the same time. I can't believe the incredible things that man can make, but it scared me to death to walk across it with my kids. I may be a little paranoid and nervous about silly things, but seriously it is so stinkin high from the ground. We only made it half way before I was ready to go back. I love this picture. Mia is such a little cheeser and Jayden is so cute with his little sister.
Mia was asleep when we got there. Jeff loved this...

A Day at Sea World

We went to Sea World on Thursday during our little vacation. It was awesome. The kids loved it, absolutely loved it. We had been talking to them about going to see the whales and dolphins for probably 2 months before our trip, so by the time we left they were very ready to finally get to see the whales and dolphins. We went to the see the sea lions get fed when we first got there, and those animals were crazy. We watched them beg and fight over little sardines and laughed at their funny noises. We went to the dolphin show next and that was fun. It was great show with 9 dolphins swimming and jumping around. The kids were mesmerized. After that show, we went to the kid area so the kids could play, eat lunch and get their wiggles out. Jeff climbed up this huge play ground with the kids. I found a little area just for little kids that Mia loved. She made a couple friends while playing and it was so cute. We then went to the Big Shamo Whale Show. I made the mistake of sitting us in the splash zone. Jayden cried and cried when Shamo splashed us. I thought it was pretty funny, but he really did not like getting splashed by that big whale. The show was great other than that. After that our kids were pretty pooped and ready to go back to the hotel. They both did awesome though and loved everything we did. It was such a fun day.

Minature Golf at Belmont Park

Right on the beach that we went to in San Diego was this awesome little carnival called Belmont Park. We took the kids miniature golfing and it was sweet. It was glow in the dark with pirates and sharks. Jayden loved golfing and the skeletons. Jeff and I played a fun competitive game. I was ahead and then he came and got me in the end. It was a lot of fun. After golfing we played some games in the arcade which Jayden and Jeff both loved.


When Jayden gets sad or wants something that he can't have, he puts on his puppy dog face. He is a pro at doing it. His eyes get sad and his lip droops and give a little sniffle just for effect. It makes me laugh every time. And then I can usually tickle him to get his big smile back on his face. He is such a good boy. I can't believe how blessed I am to have him as my first!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MiaLynn and her Daddy

Mia is getting so big and is becoming more of a daddy girls everyday. She loves her dad so much. There are many times when she will grab his face, kiss him, and tell him that she loves him. She is daddy's little princess.

Fun at the Beach

We went to the beach on Friday and it was a great beach. The sand was soft and clean and perfect for building a sand castle. Mia and Jayden loved helping Jeff dig and build a big castle. Jayden would go around making little towers with his little bucket and then him and Mia would knock them down. They also loved the ocean. Even though it was really cold. Mia especially couldn't get enough of it. They would chase the wave back and then run away as soon as another one was coming to get them. This was Mia's first time playing at the ocean and I am glad that she liked it so much. We also went to a place called World Famous for lunch and had a great lunch. It was about a 40 minute walk down the boardwalk, but totally worth it when we get our food and it tasted so good.
Jeff working hard
tiny little buckets filled with water.
My 2 sweet kids
MiaLynn loved the sand and the water!
Jeff building a sand castle with the kids
Jayden playing in the sand