I never thought I would say it but we discovered the Jersey Shore last weekend. For those that do not know, I am VERY partial to the Carolina beaches (especially a little place called Hilton Head). Since HHI is about 13 hours away and the Shore is only 1-2 hours you have to do what makes the most sense. Some friends offered us their house for the weekend and so we went to LBI to a little town called Beach Haven. It was great. I parked my car on Thursday night and did not turn on the ignition until Sunday. We walked, biked, ran and of course pushed David around in his little car. The sand was soft between our toes and the boys even braved the water. I dipped my feet in and said it just was not worth it, the summer is just beginning I will have plenty of opportunities. David LOVED the beach especially if you count all of the fists full of sand that he ate. I am glad, because I really was not going to give him a choice. There is something so therapeutic about the waves crashing, and walking along the beach feeling the sand between your toes and looking out to the horizon and beyond. Oh I just love summer and I love the beach! Don't get me wrong the Jersey Shore is not Hawaii or Hilton Head; but, it is 2 hours away and that is good enough!
What are some of your favorite summer activities? Please share, especially those that live back East.
David can't get enough of this car and we can't get enough of him
Nilla wafer or sand?
David: refueling Daddy: power nap