We woke this morning to a perfect June Day ;o))
Sunny and bright with a high hitting almost 80 degrees.
However, this is December and Christmas is only a week away.
I just love this weather :o))))
Last night we went to Broadway At The Beach
with RV-Dreams friends Gyn, Syl, Dan and Tricia.
We wanted to see the Christmas lights
have dinner at a new Italian Restaurant.
What a meal!!
We all agreed that the food was great
we ate far too much :o))))
Nancy and I do not eat out 0ften,
but this is a restaurant we will visit again!!
After dinner,
we decided to walk off our dinner and see the Christmas lights.
We almost had the entire complex to ourselves.
But when you are with RV-Dreamers,
they always find ways to have fun!!
We had a great evening and saw some pretty lights!!
This window display says it ALL :o))
Life Is Good !!
Our plan to walk off dinner was a great idea,
but we walked so slow,
we had to come up with a Plan B to walk off the meal!!
This morning, we implemented Plan B…
We launched our kayaks at
The Chris Anderson Memorial Landing on Route 9,
just a couple miles from the North Carolina border.
Not far from where we attended the RV-Dreams Rally in Loris, SC.
First we blow up...
take down the kayaks…
Notice the cool snake guards on Gins ankles ;o))
Almost ready to launch!!
We decided to head north against the current to start! 
We paddled under Route 9.
The current was strong but we all made our way!!
The temperature felt like summertime,
but the river definitely looked like wintertime.
Still a little color left…
Interesting Cypress roots and knees…
Finally, we decided to turn south and floated back towards the landing.
We found a sandy spot along the way
and beached the kayaks to enjoy our lunch.
After lunch, we continued to float south…
Back under Rt. 9…
Continued floating south, past the landing…
Roamin P. Duck was on the lookout for some of his relatives…
Didn’t see any ducky relative,
but Tricia and Dan spotted this Great Horned Owl
high in the treetop ;o))

When we had just worn ourselves out floating south,
we found a nice spot to stop and enjoy each others company in the wonderful sunshine!!!
Roamin was still searching for his relatives ;o))
All to soon it was time to head back to the landing…
Another fun day on the water with great friends!!
Back at the landing,
as we were putting things away,
the local police and his backup stopped by!!
Sheesh… you can’t take these kids anywhere ;o))
I was sure to tell the police,
I knew nothin' about nothin'
I had never seen these rowdy kids before ;o))
What a great day to be on the river with good friends!!
Hope somebody bails them out soon ;o)))
We have really enjoyed the last couple of days!! Next stop, our daughter’s house for Christmas. Then it will be off to Florida for most of January:o)) We will be meeting up with RV-Dreamers, Sherry and David, for more kayaking, cycling, hiking, laughing and of course, ICE CREAM!! Who knows, if our RV-Dreams kids get out and stay out of trouble, we may see them in Florida as well ;o))
Nancy here:
During one of our river stops, we got talking about Sweet Red Peppers. See we have very profound and deep conversations when we float on the river!! Anyway, I promised to share a great soup recipe that is very easy, very healthy and very good!! So here it is…