Monday, May 24, 2010


We will be moving to Minneapolis this week for a summer internship, but will return to Boston in the Fall. I'm excited for this new adventure and especially excited to check out the Mall of America!!! Bring on the heat and humidity!!

One Year Down!!

We have had such a fun first year of school, I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It is crazy to think we are half way through. Here we are celebrating with a little ice cream.
Wing, Alli, Kristin, Anthony, me, and Cole
We are so grateful for all the amazing friends we have made throughout the year. We have some close friends that will be moving soon and it makes me so sad to think they won't be back next year. We see these families on a daily basis and the thought of not seeing them each day makes me sick.

Here are a few of the 2nd year families that will be leaving us!! Thanks guys for such a fun year - we will miss you dearly!!!


Boys will be boys

Jaxon has become such great friends with our next door neighbor Sheldon or "Tay Tay." We are not sure how he gets tay tay out of Sheldon, but he can't say his S's, so somehow it becomes tay tay. It is so much fun to see these two interact together - they are such boys. Alicia took these great pictures of the two of them wrestling the other day. We are so sad to see Sheldon and his family leave us. They will be moving next week and it makes me sick to think they won't be living next door when we return. Jaxon is going to miss his buddy so much.
I'm loving the full on choke-hold

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pre-school Graduation

Jaxon had his pre-school graduation today. He is getting so big.
He would not keep his hat on
Jax, Sheldon, & Maddy
Omar (Jax refers to him as "O-Moe"), Grace, Jax, and Egamon
Jaxon with his cute pre-school teacher Monica.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco De Mayo

We had our last LDSSA BBQ on Cinco De Mayo. We have become really close with this group here at school and will really miss the 2nd years that will be leaving us soon.
Here are the students
The kids were loving the pinata.

Monday, May 3, 2010


We are enjoying the nice Spring weather and have loved being able to play outside.
Here are a few Spring pictures of campus - the blossoms are so beautiful.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Grant's Baby Blessing

Cole gave Grant a beautiful blessing today. We missed having our family there with us, but are so grateful for such wonderful friends and their support.
We were thrilled with the love and support of Cole's section mates.
It was fun to have Jeff & Megan Barratt come in town for the weekend.
Anthony, Christopher, Jeff, & Scott