Monday, December 27, 2010

Jungle Jims

We had a blast at Jungle Jim's with Nana, Ileah, and cousins Ashlyn and Camden.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. There is nothing like being home for the holidays. It was so nice being surrounded by family and friends.
Four VandenAkker generations

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Mimi Nakker arranged to have Santa stop by a couple days before Christmas to visit and drop off some presents. It was fun to see all the kids reactions to him - some excited and others scared. Jaxon was a little uneasy around him and Grant didn't know what was going on.
Cousins Chase & Ruby

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Grandpa Mumford

My sweet Grandpa Mumford passed away this morning. He was an amazing friend, example, and role model to me. I will miss him dearly, but will forever cherish all the amazing memories I have of him.
I feel so fortunate to have been able to live with him the summer before we moved to Boston. We moved in the day of my Grandma's funeral and at the time felt horrible moving all our boxes in that day, but now I believe it was a blessing that we were able to be there with him those few months. I was able to get to know him so much better and am so grateful for that time with him. It was also fun to see him bond with Jaxon. Jaxon loved spending time with him and especially enjoyed gardening, watching the Lawrence Welk show, and having him read bedtime stories.
I can only imagine the reunion this morning with my sweet Grandma. I'm so happy they are together again. Love you Grandpa!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Grant started crawling today. Jaxon never crawled so this is completely new to us. Jaxon hasn't been too excited about him being able to come over and take his toys. I on the other hand am loving it for now. It is nice he can get what he wants instead of me picking him up and moving him all day long. I'm sure when he starts getting into everything I will feel differently.
An action shot
I love the way he lays himself out to grab whatever he is trying to reach
Dressed in his Christmas outfit
Cole ready for his Holidazzle section dinner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a nice Thanksgiving here in Boston with our good friends the Sorenson's. It was such a fun day filled with great company and amazing food. Here are the boys carving the turkey.
Scott & Michelle made the yummy turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, & pie.
We ate around 3:00pm while Jaxon and Grant were sleeping. It was so nice to be able to really enjoy our feast.
The spread.
Cole made the "to die for" sweet potatoes and I made the rolls, stuffing, and jello salad.Grant came down with Roseola a few days before Thanksgiving. He had a fever of 101 for a couple days and then a little rash appeared on his belly and back. It brought back memories of Thanksgiving two years ago when after 8 days on amoxicillin we realized Jaxon was allergic to penicillin. At one point we were told he had Roseola, but then when he was covered head to toe in a rash we were then told it was an allergic reaction. After going through Jaxon's experience this little virus was nothing. I am extremely thankful to have three healthy and happy boys!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Cole's section won the HBS intramural flag football championship. The team played so well and Cole played great as quarterback and safety. It was such a fun night watching and cheering.
Cole's friends came to cheer him on.
Erik, Ross, Anthony, Cole, Cameron, Scott, & Chris
Section I
Harvard vs. Yale game

Thursday, November 4, 2010