Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Terima Kasih Ya Allah!

Di ulangtahun ini, tiada apalah yang seharusnya aku lakukan selain memanjatkan setinggi rasa kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi Rabbi atas segala kurniaan yang tak terhingga sementelah aku masih bernafas ini.

Ya Allah,
Terima kasih atas kurniaan keluarga yang menyayangi,
Terima kasih atas kurniaan sahabat yang memahami,
Terima kasih atas segala kemudahan yang Kau beri,
Terima kasih atas pengajaran yang diteladani,

Terima kasih Ya Allah! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

“Am I a professional muslim?” by Prof Dr Muhaya.

An inspirational speaker does not need a script. She just spoke through her heart and with the guidance of Allah. And well, she did touch every single heart of the audience. SubhanAllah.

“Am I a professional muslim?” by Prof Dr Muhaya.

Ciri mukmin professional
  •            Bertaqwa kepada Allah
  •         Berakhlak dengan manusia
  •         Kerja sebaik mungkin (itqan)
4 jenis manusia
  •  Make things happen
  •  Wait for things to happen
  • Wonder what happens
  •  Don’t know what happens
Be the first person. The rest are losers.

“None of us has the right to think that we are better than anyone else”
The most Superior is Allah SWT.

“The more we show, actually the less we have”
Stop showing off, we have nothing.

“The more you put on, the less pretty you are”
Less is always more J

“Only problematic people have problems”
We create our own problem. We have the choice to make it smaller or to outgrow the problem. Most of us outgrow them. Choose wiser now.

4 Levels of Knowledge
  •  Unconscious incompetence
  •  Conscious incompetence
  • Conscious competence
  • Unconscious competence
Professionals are those who are unconsciously competent. Meaning they do not know they are good at something but just do the things effortlessly.

Subconscious Mind

The power of mind in controlling our life. What we are is actually what we think we are. This may sound cliché but trust me it’s true.

“Our inner world controls our outer world. Thoughts influence by emotion will lead to action and result. Positive thoughts will then produce positive results”.

“Kareer adalah untuk memenuhi tujuan hidup iaitu redha Allah bukan untuk memenuhi keperluan hidup iaitu kebendaan”

“The most insane person is the one doing the same thing, expecting different result –Albert Einstein”

“Macam mana kita buat baik pada orang, macam itulah Allah akan buat baik pada kita”.

“Once you have Allah, you don’t need anybody else”.

Last but not least, you have to see it to believe it. She's great ;)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

A letter for you

Dear beloved Abe Kir,

I’m writing this letter to you in these few moments that you’re still single. I’m afraid it will sound different when you are already called a husband J

I ran into my old writings last night and saw the story I wrote about us. And I’m actually embarrassed that I was so loud with my words. But I think because you are so far, I need to shout out for you to hear.

I know I’m supposed to be happy; it’s your big day. But the fact that we’re not there made my mood sway. These few days, I’m preoccupying myself to avoid the thought that you’re getting married. And you are in a few bits.

Dear beloved Abe Kir,

I just want to say THANK YOU.
Thank you for the times you’re there for me,
Thank you for the wise words you gave me,
Thank you for just kept silence when I cried,
And just hear my tears and let it dry.
Thank you for leading my way,
When sometimes I went astray,
Thank you for making me smile,
Though the jokes are hard to buy J
Thank you for taking me seriously,
And thank you because you really care.

I won’t ask for another one, because you have been the best. I just hope that I’m not losing you and my phone will still ring with ‘private number’ on the view J

Now that you found your other half, I’m absolutely thrilled. You found yourself a solehah wife, and I’m praying that you’ll be forever happy.  

Barakallahulakuma Wabaraka ‘Alaikuma Wajama’a Bainakuma Fi Khair <3

lepas ni orang lain pulak kat sebelah tu :P