Thursday, July 24, 2014


Salam wbt.

Mula-mula ko pandai je amik hati,

Lama-lama ko buat suka hati,

Sampai aku makan hati,

Sakit hati,

dan sekarang aku dah takde hati.

Jadi, aku kena hati-hati.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dear Children,

Salam wbt.

A beautiful poem from Kak Wardina Safiyyah to her children in her official fb page;


Dear children, 

The future is uncertain you see,
Never be too sure.. too confident of plans for Allah plans are greater and He plans unexpectedly...
Things can change in a blink of an eye,
We won't know when it's our turn to die...

Dear children,
The world and future is indeed scary, There's too much destruction both physicaly and internaly,
The world is destroyed by greed and hate as you can see..

May Allah protect you from befalling that drown in just so much hate...

I try to guide you the best I can..But I won't be there forever to hold your hand ..You have to walk alone and face the realities..the three of you together whole heartedly... be it bad or good.. we paint the picture... we colour our canvases, make our choices, be patient, strive for the best, find a solution and leave the rest to Allah..

Dear children, may you not drown in the gigantic waves of the oceans in this dunya,
May you not be swept by storms of materialisme, may you not suffocate yourself and be killed by trying to fulfil your nafs and desires which knows no borders...

Dear children, have Allah in your heart...

Dear children let the Quran be your guide..let the Quran be your ONLY guide...follow the sunnah the best you can..May our aim be Jannah till the end..

Dear children, find Allah in your your doa daily, stand up in prayer and weap in your sujud sincerely..

Dear children, if you have Allah you have everything. Be mindful of Allah so that Allah will be mindful of you.. love Allah so that Allah would love you too..

I am lost and sorry for the world today... know when you smile another child cries, when you play another child dies, when you fill your belly another starve hungrily...

Dear children be the change you would like to see..Forgive and be kind and have emphaty.

Dear children walk on this earth humbly, think independently, get up from your fall gracefully. You will make mistakes, get bruised and be hurt indefinitely. We will fail miserably, be embarrassed surely...say sorry, just say sorry and repent silently...But don't give up...stay strong and go on. Love unconditionally.

People will hate... people can be nasty... They would hurt you sometimes just intentionaly...
Words are painful..It cuts deep.. so never make the same mistakes I perhaps did...
Be mindful of your words, some would take it literally.
With social media looking for faults becomes a hobby...

Protect yourself don't fall for the offline with those who care... don't get deluded, don't you dare....the pain will be heavy for you to bear...
Have a conversation face to face... Experience moments in its real space...

Dear children, without knowledge and wisdom we are worthless... but then again we are nothing actually. We come from clay and semen perfected eventually. Realize we are nothing..own nothing, have nothing... we are weak beings you and me...

I love you so may never comprehend...
All I ask from you is to love Allah so please understand...
Only with Allah in your heart and the akhirah as your goal, you can be InsyaAllah safe, sound and truly happy...

Having said that my dear babies,

Happiness is merely an illusion to me... for no hapiness in this world is absolute.. no happiness will remain.. happy days will pass...those sad days too..
Simply because nothing lasts forever...promise me you remember...
This honest advice from your mother...

I'm sorry my babies, wish I can do more..
May we meet in Jannah...
A place where no sadness shall remain...
May we be spared from being tied with chains...
The chains of regret because we didn't do more..begging to the angels to open the door,
The day where one would have truly have won...
The meting with our Rabb the only one...
The greatest victory ever...
And we won't leave just never...
For only then we deserve to smile triumphantly..
InsyaAllah this time that is for eternity...



Friday, July 18, 2014

Sepertiga yang akhir

Salam wbt.

Allahu Rabbi..dah masuk sepuluh hari terakhir Ramadhan 1435. Sekejap sungguh masa berlalu dan kedatangan Ramadhan bakal tiba ke penghujungnya. Allah beri masa 30 hari untuk bersama bulan mulia bagi mencari diri serta redhaNya. Apakah telah aku jumpa?

Ujian datang dan pergi. Ujian Ramadhan kali ni tak kurang hebatnya. Moga inilah cara untuk lebih dekatkan diri dengan Dia, memohon dan meminta tanpa jemu dan tak putus asa. Tatkala dirasakan ujian kepada diri sendiri sudah besar, ternyata Allah menduga lebih lagi ke atas orang lain. Maka, bersyukurlah.

Dunia khususnya masyarakat beragama Islam, sangat-sangat terkesan dengan serangan Israel yang bertubi-tubi ke atas Gaza. Rakyat Palestin diperlakukan dengan kejam dan diuji hebat. Betapa besar jihad mereka mempertahankan tanah air tercinta. Ramai yang syahid menemui yang Esa. Tatkala kita berbuka puasa di dunia, mereka pula telah bergembira di syurga.

Duka masih belum hilang sepenuhnya dengan misteri kehilangan MH370, kini Malaysia diuji lagi dengan tragedi MH17. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui ya Allah. Lemahnya kami, hibanya hati mendapat khabar sebuah lagi kapal terbang milik negara terhempas di Ukraine kerana dipercayai telah ditembak oleh pihak pengganas. Meski tiada ahli keluarga serta kenalan yang terlibat, namun ia kehilangan yang amat besar dan terkesan di hati kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

Begitu banyak yang terjadi di dunia masa kini. Terkadang lelah walaupun hanya dalam memimpin diri sendiri untuk terus menapak mencari jalan yang diredhai. Ya Allah, beri kekuatan buat kami, tunjukkan jalan kebenaran, sinarkan hati kami dengan keimanan. Peliharalah kami dari kejahatan dan kemungkaran. Kau berikanlah kemanan buat Palestin, hancurkan rejim Zionis dan berikan kemenangan buat Islam. Kau berikan ketabahan buat keluarga serta kenalan para penumpang MH17. Jangan biar kami tersasar walau sedikit dari jalan Mu serta pimpinlah kami ke syurga Mu..Temukan kami dengan Lailatul Qadr dan ampunkanlah segala khilaf dan dosa kami. Mudah-mudahan kami tidak menjadi orang-orang yang rugi kerana tidak mengambil seluas-luas peluang yang Kau beri buat kami dalam bulan Ramadhan kali ini..

Ameen ya Rabbal 'Alamin..