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natural wonders and disasters

"I've never been so alone, alone, and I've, and I've never been so alive. So alive." - Motorcycle Drive-by - Third Eye Blind //How we feel. All the time. Glad we could share a little piece of our hearts today with the senior center. They all knew "You Are My Sunshine" which made my heart Happy.  #music   #thismanandhisguitar #wooshearts   #lovehim   #evieproject #evielaree  one of the residents told us to look up a video on YouTube about Amazing Grace. He thought we would like it.  #forreal   #howcouldheknow #n8lovesthirdeyeblind   #ilovehimforit   Also my friend intends to "adopt a grandma here". What a great idea. I can't wait to find out how it goes.  #opa Jeff thinks it's fun to get up with the sun. Apparently it's starting to wear on him because this is what I woke up to this morning.  #goodmorning   #goodmorning   #asleepagainalready   #itsgreattostayoutlate We signed up to help at the Houston food Bank with some fri

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