365 days, 365 pictures. That's my goal. Am I a photographer? Spend 30 seconds looking around, and you will see clearly I am not. But I do love preserving these days I have been given so that I can one day look back and remember them, because my memory is just not efficient enough to count on. Trust me.

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 29

Day 29

Often times these boys are left in the dust. The dust of business that their big brother and sister leave. And this weekend was full of activities for the big kids, but not much for these boys. So to make up for that, we let them eat a snack dinner in the messy playroom in front of the tv. 
To them, life doesn't get much better than that.

Friday, January 28, 2011

day 28

January 28

Just in case any of you celiacs wanna get crazy and eat some shampoo and conditioner, know this: it's Gluten Free!

day 27

January 27

Today we went shoe shopping. I think it was a little over due.

day 26

January 26

Today at the kid's school they needed to dress like someone they admire. Jonas chose River's Cuomo (Weezer's front man) and Hailey asked me to make a shirt that said:

It was her try at humor, and while I thought it was funny, for me it was also true. You gotta admire any 8 year old who is so great  about receiving 6 injections daily and drawing her own blood every few hours. That's admirable to me anyway.

day 25

January 25

That's a four year old teaching a 32 year old how to play DS.

Monday, January 24, 2011

day 24

January 24

Don't you wish you could still sit like that? And if you can, don't you wish it was still comfortable?

day 23

January 23

Hailey is a little over enthusiastic about going to church...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

day 22

January 22

The perfect Saturday according to Jonas:
A good sleep in (9:00am)
A little time on the DS (without his mom there to tell him to turn it off)
A basketball game (so what if they lost?)
A small "Man Vs. Wild" Marathon (OK, not so small)
and finally an evening spent reading Far Sides.

His life is good.

day 21

January 21

The DS... bringing sons and fascinated fathers together.

day 20

January 20

This is Caleb taking the whole Peter Parker thing to the next level. Peter Parker wore glasses before the spider bit him, did you know? Well, you certainly should.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 19

January 19

I decorated!
For Valentine's Day!
And I don't even like that holiday!
Look at me and my domesticness!

day 18

January 18

My in the car, over the shoulder shot.
This is how Porter looks every Tuesday and Thursday as we wait outside Caleb's preschool for him to come bolting out. The moment he sees Caleb those tired eyes disappear and they sparkle with excitement and the hope of a good wrestle.

day 17

january 17

Over the weekend I crafted! I whipped up this super easy wreath for my front door. Hailey LOVES it. I think I found 25 pictures of it on the camera today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

day 16

january 16

Don't you hate it when you are trying to take a picture of your handsome boys and your handsome baby chooses to step in to show you what he is eating?

day 15

january 15

Reasons I love this picture:

The chocolate evidence on his face.
The banana in his hand. There is always a banana in his hands.
The fact that it shows my table of clutter. (this is where we dump stuff to be put away when we get around to it. Are we the only people that have that spot?)
Also you can see in the other corner my supply closet doors open with a stool there, evidence that someone needed some batteries, most likely for the wii remotes.
This picture is so our life.

Friday, January 14, 2011

day 14

January 14

The morning goodbye.

day 13

January 13

I love Amazon gift cards. I love being a hermit in January. Bring on the read a thon!

day 12

January 12

My parents Christmas gift to us finally arrived from South Africa. A nativity made out of banana leaves. Unreal the things people can do. I love it and I decided I am keeping it up all year.
Don't try to stop me.

day 11

January 11

This is our dog Porter, who likes to eat his morning bowl of fruit on the floor in the library. We love to watch him dig his face in the bowl and growl while he chews.

An no, I am not kidding.

day 10

January 10

This is my boy in late afternoon sunlight. I turned to see him standing there looking at me with that late afternoon tired look and I knew I needed to freeze his face in my mind with the camera, shadowed face and all.

day 9

january 9

Angry birds... bringing bored husbands together,  one smart phone at a time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

day 8

January 8

And then the day came. So proud of both of these people.

day 7

january 7

Conversations are being had about what to expect and what to do and expressions of nervousness are being expressed...

day 6

January 6

The anticipation is building...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

day 5

January 5

This is a Swanson family first. Normally by January 1, our tree is down. Everything Christmas themed is packed tightly away. This year, I just can't bring myself to put it away. I mean, the tree never even got decorated. It will be down by the end of the week for sure...
I think.

day 4

January 4

ooohh, still pretty.

day 3

january 3

Porter's new obsession. This truck has a trunk! That opens! And you can put things inside! And then take them right out! Life doesn't get any better.

day 2

January 2

The current obsession in our house right now. Santa brought three of these bad boys. Cross your fingers that none of them break this time.

Day 1

January 1

Oooh, pretty.