365 days, 365 pictures. That's my goal. Am I a photographer? Spend 30 seconds looking around, and you will see clearly I am not. But I do love preserving these days I have been given so that I can one day look back and remember them, because my memory is just not efficient enough to count on. Trust me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

day 186

July 6

I don't know which one scares me more...

day 185

July 5

Yep, the trampoline is still cool.

day 184

July 4

Fourth of July. Bare feet beware of burns, bring on the sparklers!

day 183

July 3

My nephew, Daniel. He really likes condiments.

day 182

July 2

A girl can never have too many brothers.

Oh wait, she can.

day 181

July 1

Assorted family members fell asleep last night star gazing on the trampoline. Gratefully I was not a part of that claustrophobic sleeping arrangement.

day 180

June 30

What? You don't let your five year old operate heavy machinery? You would if you had this five year old.

day 179

June 29

Porter in the aftermath of a watermelon eating session. His shirt, the casualty.

day 178

June 28

Things my kids know for sure: When your dad is gone for two and half months he will surely spoil you in a big way.

day 177

June 27

To celebrate Brian being home, we decided to kick the celebratory  week we went out to breakfast at the Black Bear Diner. That place gives you more food than the starving prisoners of war in Japan could have eaten. But it was oh, so good.

day 176

June 26

It's official. We have our dad/husband back again! I think this girl was the most excited of all.

day 175

June 25

Walking around shirtless with uncombed hair is the new normal for this boy this summer.

day 174

Hailey had a sleepover with the BFF today. They had two little shadows everywhere they went. One did whatever they did and the other... well, he just stood there and drooled on himself.

Day 173

June 23

Slip n' sliding. A summer must.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

day 172

june 22

We got a big package in the mail today, a belated anniversary gift from my long lost husband. I guess he knew I needed to wear some children out in a major way.

day 171

june 21

Today was a perfect day for feeding ducks.

day 170

june 20

Hailey and I had big plans to take these Cabochons up to Bear Lake with us,but they decided to wait until we got back to show up at our door.

day 169

june 19

Caleb, as photogenic as ever

day 168

june 18

Second hottest item in the house: The indoor, in ground trampoline. It's a wonder we didn't wear that out either.

day 167

june 17

The hottest item in the rental house: A slide on each floor. There were 7 slides total in this gigantic house. It's a wonder we didn't wear them out.

day 166

june 16

We made it to Bear Lake for a much needed vacation.

day 165

june 15

I love these people.

day 164

june 14

Family night via Skype.

day 163

June 13

Laps at the pool. It does a body good. Or not. Depending how you look at it.

day 162

June 10

Sundays, I don't know how I make it through them without Brian. crappy phone picture quality...

day 161

june 11

His first time eating a popsicle. I think he decided it won't be his last.

day 160

june 10

We will be here a lot this summer.

day 159

june 9

Snacks on the patio. Porter's new favorite place to eat.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

day 158

june 8

These are their "School's Out for Summer" Faces.

day 157

June 7

Preparations for summer are already underway. Today I found 5 carb popsicles, which means Hailey can eat them without a getting an injection. That pretty much makes these a summer staple..

day 156

June 6

My front entry table is the only spot in the house that changes with the seasons. Today is got a bright makeover via summer.

day 155

June 5

Today we made our Summer to do list and my, oh my, is it going to be a fun summer!

day 154

June 4

This boy needs his routines. Every day his naps happen only if he has his paci, his blanket, a car or two or 5, a sippie, a snack unopened but to be consumed upon waking, (see rice crispie treat one the floor), and the same three songs. It's an event.

day 153

June 3

Many years ago, when I had just one boy, I was under the impression that they all liked action figures and super heros and all that boy stuff. So I purchased all sorts of "boy items" including this Star Wars sticker book. Jonas, not the typical boy, never touched it. So it has sat on our library shelf, undisturbed until Caleb. Now, it is officially the best book I have ever bought according to The Boy.

day 152

June 2

When Hailey earned Prestigious Student award again this year, her dad gave explicit instructions to take this little girl shopping for an outfit. So, we headed to the mall where she picked up the skirt, shirt, earrings, and headband. And she has worn them and worn them and worn them. Her dad knows the way to Hailey's heart.

day 151

june 1

While cleaning up today, I began to wonder how many Lightning McQueens we atcually have? And once I stopped counting at 13, I began to wonder if any of them are the same. No two alike in this bunch!

day 150

may 31

The bishopric came over to visit me today, since I am a temporary single mom. They came to see if I was okay. Luckily the table was clear and wiped clean. But cars were littered all over the library and the boys looked like homeless children. As they stood to leave, they had to step over Porter's bologna, and I knew I was anything but okay.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

day 149

May 30

Memorial Day held 54 degree weather for Utah. With the promise of rain. With snow still blanketing the mountains. Not okay.Traditionally it's the day the Swanson family opens their pool for the summer. Not to be deterred, Grammie Swanson heated the pool to steaming hot tub-like warmth. Needless to say, she made a lot of grandchildren very, very happy.

day 148

may 29

Our neighbors have this tree that I love. I don't know what kind it is. I wish I did so I could plant one in my yard. When it is in bloom, I can't stop looking at it. As much as I love it, my husband loves it more. This year, since he is not here to see it bloom, I couldn't help but take a picture for his sake.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

day 147

may 28

This is Porter learning to share. I am looking for pigs with wings next.

day 146

may 27

The force is strong in this house.

day 145

may 26

Caleb: Our pre-school graduate.

day 144

may 25

Practicing the lay ups.

day 143

may 24

Why is it that Lady bugs are so exciting to find? And why is it they are the only only bugs that are "cute"?

day 142

may 23

Boondocks with the JDRF. Four kids in a very crowded place by myself. Hard doesn't even describe it. This is the one and only picture I got today. At least the kids had fun. Some days that is all that matters.

day 141

may 22

After church we laid the blankets on the lawn and enjoyed the sunshine. I completely love Sundays.

day 140

may 21

Today, as the rest of the family gardened, Porter did what Porter does: Drive cars and park cars. Over and over and over again.

day 139

may 20

Today's purchase: shoes for Jonas. This is Jonas' fourth pair of shoes this year. His feet are now my size. That is so wrong.

day 138

may 19

On the agenda today: Haircut for Jonas, Ice cream cones for us all.

day 137

may 18

You just don't live with three boys without a few pet worms in the house.