Showing posts with label Shelf 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelf 1. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 January 2016

World Travel Bookshelf 17840/193418

Hi Everyone!  This is my first post for the New Year.  I wanted to have something to show before I posted.  After spending so much time on Shore Line Village I took a break for a couple of weeks for Christmas vacation and thought about what I wanted to work on this year.
I decided that my Focus piece for the year would be 

I made a small start on him, but hope to spend more time on him this year.
Another big start is World Travel Bookshelf by Aimee Stewart

I am trying to do something different with this one.   I am going to stitch each shelf by itself.  So I am starting with the first one.

And here is my progress on that, I just completed the first page. 

And in between these two large projects I hope to work on some smaller ones!
