peNgikut aku YanG taBah..ngeE^_^

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

::: hari paling siott!!!! :::

 bilek terkunci..
trtggal kwn punye form..
pegi test lengang2..
b4 abes test da kua..
(bjet terer jew)
then balek jln kaki...
amik form tuh.. 
(cm tadew hrpan..tcilap)

plus++ lagie..
tersentap sgt td..sorie..
juz too sad..
xpenah kne mrh cmtue...
xpew..lets it go..
dah2,cool la shiro...
slh aku jugak..

~i'm so sorie~

Monday, March 28, 2011

::: maaf abah..mybe along lupew :'( :::

cisss da dekat utm da pon..!!hishhh..kejap bebenor cutie....huhuhu
smlm b4 bus ak kol 10.45mlm...
ak dtg kol 10.40 cm tuh arr...dkt2 10.50 gk ar cmpi bustop tuh..gara2 susoh nk tggl abah n umie..hahaha *wekkk :P
ak pown teross ckp kt abah mybe bus ak da adew tuh smbil tnjuk bus MAju yg xbpew maju..keh3..
abah:oke2...abah benti kt tepi jln kt nge bus teros la ek..
lpas2 slm2 sume ak pegi kt bus tuh..lpas tye sume mmg sah tu bus ak..
dye tggu ak jew kot sorg agie..lpas ak nek jew teros gerak..hahhha
*seb bek xkne tggl...

b4 tuh..
abah ade tye blek utm nek pew.."cab la bah"...
abah:erm..sapa lm kol 6 gtu nie....tggu ceroh cket dlu bru nek teksi tuh...
risau bebenoo abah ak neyh..mesty xcaye ak boley ney..haih..

sehari before tuh pulak...
aku:abah,abh de gi jom heboh kew ary tu??
dye mesty rse bsalah tuh..hahhahaha mesty kejot cmne ak dpt tahu..adeq2 ak la btaw ak...huhuhu
byse abah xkn btaw sbb takowt ak tacink ow cdeyh...sbb tue abah wt senyap jew..huhhuhu
since ak duk hstel dr form 1 agie cm tuh..mesty abh igt ak trse tue...huhuhu
aku: eleyhhh...along gie jugok jom eboh...(muke xcited)
abah:ehh..bilew pulok??hoo...hok dekat danga bay hohh??
abah:dop kabo(bgtahu) ke abah pon ek g dinung..
haaa..weyhh la...ak xbtaw kew??alamakkk...
aku:eh...along dop kabo kew??xigat kot...mybe along kabo nk dop kabo gi jom eboh tue...(ayat cover molekk..hahahaaa)
ala....adoiii...sorie2..mybe tue along xsngaje abah...
lpas neyh along g mne2 along btaw ek....sorie....:'(
muke abah ak nmpk cdeyh gilew...aiyyaaaa....
abah:lpas ney,xyoh kuor sgt la...exam dkt doh...kabo ke abh dlu...

perghhh..ak rse bsalah gilew kowt..sumpah!!rse nk nages pon adew weyh....
haihh...lpas ney along jnji klu along g mne2 along btaw abah oke2..
klu abah kte boleyh kluar,bwu along kuar!! janji!!

I LOVE MY ABAH n MY UMIE dammmm mucchhhh!!! :*

mood:tulun la benti saket da nk g toilet neyh :'(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

::: tibe2 jadik bgge jap..hahahahaa :::

pe bnde tah yg aku nk bgge sgt tuh..
haih...acu tgok ney...acu tgok...

tengok elok2..dgn mate hati yew...huhuhuhu
UTM at 2nd place 4 country rank...
bangga jap jdik stdent utm..hahhahahaa
bia la no 2 pown...xpew2 at least kitew dpt TOP 3!!!*kagumm jap :)
next kitew lwn usm lak ehh..hehehhe

u dun believe me...tgk link neyh ^_^

mood : homie ohh homie..hehehhehe
pluss++ epi sbb erkkk...kenyang bwu lpas mam durian..
my feberet tuh ^^
mekaseh my abah :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

::: i'm juz LikE nOthinG :::

why should dis hppen to me???
am i too annoying??wut i noe juz im not a perfect person n doesnt one in dis world is PERFECT!
everyone hve their own kindliness n badness..

its ol about me...
when moon rises at nite..:'(
tears fill my eyes...
I feel a hole in me...
I feel as sumthing missing...
I feel lonely n I feel soo sad..
There was a tyme..
we were happy n close..
NOW I want you to b here...
I want to again be whole...

The day when you left me alone is the darkest day of my eyes have forgot to smile, face has left glowing, lips are life is just a barren land on which no thing can be produced...Oh my god...why did you do this to me?....??!!

~sumtimes i feel like i'm juz nothing~

~ brighten my life again ~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

::: AKu BenCi RoKoK :::

hurmmm..tetibe terpggil lak utk join segmen neyh...
oleh ABANG BEN sal rokok neyh...
oke firstly how 2 join dis segmen...

juz folow da steps below:


1. letak bnner neyh...
2. Tajuk : AKU BENCI ROKOK dan linkkan ke entri ini ..
3. Sila nyatakan KENAPA ANDA BENCI ROKOK ? Mesti lebih dari 100 patah perkataan ..
4. Pesanan buat mereka yang merokok dan bakal merokok !
5. Pendapat anda mengenai mereka yang merokok ini .. 

okeyh....kenape AKU BENCI ROKOK??
story sal rokok neyh ak rse cm gerammmm sgt3 kat sume smokers...WHY???
sebb dorg dah menyusahkn idop org sekeliling...dorg yg smoke,tp sapew yg agie terok dpt padahnyew..
korg tahu???tahu x???xkn tak tahu kn...da bpew kali nk ulang kt tv,newspper sume bagai...
yg tggung akibat dr merokok neyh bkn si smoker tuh..TAPI aku!!! aku tahu tak!!
aku aka korg sume (yg xsmoke)....asap rokok tuh lebeyh bhye utk org sekeliling...
lau aku..mmg tak boleyh bau asap rokok sgt..6t cm tak boleyh nk bernafas..sesak jadik nyew!!
tak tahu napew..even lau ak jln tepi org yg smoke,mesty ak akn tahan nafas..lau x than sgt,kne ttup idong dr bau asap tuh...
terpkse la...lagie ak hidu lagie ak rase sesak nafas...haih..keciann la kt aku weyhh :'(
smoker mmg sah2 dah kitew tahu mcm2 boleyh dpt penyakit kn...TApi...
si penghidu asap rokok neyh lagie berisiko tggi utk dpt penyait bhye...DAMMM!!SHITT!!
bengang tol larh aku...alaaa,korg pown sme jew kn...bengang gak an..not only me..hahahha :P

kndungan dlm rokok tuh tok sah ckp larh betape byk nyew bhn2 berbhye kn..,,haih..
tak sedar diri betol larh para2 smokers neyh..
TAr..nikotin bagai..euuwww...
apoo nak di katoo erhhh???ishkkk...

aku penah adew sowg mmber neyh yg ADDICTED gilew ngn rokok kt skul dlu...
erm...korg nak tahu..
dye neyh kan pntang adew gap kelas kejap..ow if cekgu ta masok kls kew kn...
mesty tadew wajah dye kt kelas...
oke!!ak da tahu dye kt mne!!korg tahu kew??tak kn...hahahaha
op kos la pegi balek hstel....smoke la..pew lagie..*lau gate hstel xbrkunci bleyh la msok..lau tak abes la ko..hahahha
erm...then dye penah story kt aku...dye ckp lau dye trjage kol 3 ow 4 pagie..yg 1st dye crik ROKOK larhh..
bngun tdow jew ROKOK...bangun jew ROKOK..gilok toll!!
bangang betol larh ak penah la nsehat dye tuh...
kurg kn smoke sume...bilew da kurg tuh,insyaallah boleyh benti smoke tuh..
tapi skunk aku tak tahu la cmne...sbb da lme xcntact...hope dye bnti la smoke..

SORIE ak ckp kt cnie...ak mmg tak sukew sgt3 ngn smoker..
pantang betol aku ngn laki smoker neyh...pempuan yg smoke pown ak geram... 
even lau aku adew bf smoker..mmg aku tggl jew kt ctu jugak..hahahhaa
pdm muke...spew swoh smoke..kah3...
*bilew soal ney mmg tak dew dolak-dalih eyh..muahhahaha :P
even if future hsbnd aku smoker(hope tak smoke larh) ,insyaallah ak nsihat n swuh dye kurg n then benti teros dr smoke tuh..aminn2 :)

my ADVICE ^^
so..pade sumew smoker2 kt luar tuh...
pliisssss laaa sgt3....ak merayu kt korg...STOP smoking okeyh!!
try la bz kn diri korg....mkn byk buah2an..duit yg korg wt beli rokok tuh da boleyh smpan utk kawen dah..
haih..korg neyh mmg ta syg duit eyh...xpham den...
ingat2 lah...jgn myesal kemudian oke ^^

pendapat pade si smokers :
erm..agak nyew dorg neyh ta syg nyawe kowt...weyhh...ingat larhhh..
korg ade peluang skali jew utk idop kt dunie neyh....
so..take dat chance to do another kind of activity..
kamoon la korang...

katakn TIDAK pade rokok!!

pew bnde ak mngarot tah..hahahha
wahh..pnjang pulak ak mmbebel ary neyh..
boosann kew..??hahahhaha pdm muke korg...
cpew swuh bce...pdm muke...pdm mukew!!
haih...TERASE pulak dah!!?? lau ko trse mesty ko ney smoker kn..??kn2??hahhahaha
lu tggung la blog gue...gue punyew psl larhh..hahahha

p/s: sori la ek..TERemosi pulak ^^..chill :) 
pew yg aku tulis ney sume dr isi hati aku..c0oL ^^