Rozzie is now a sophomore. She is so happy to shed the title of "Freshman". She is off to Seminary at 5:45 am. We definitely miss having a teenage driver in the house!! Travis drives her there and I pick her up and take her (and three other boys) to school. By the way, the church is on the way to the school so it really isn't a bother to me. Rozzie is looking forward to another year of yearbook and dance team. She is also adding an AP class to her schedule, hoping for a little college credit.
I also went back to school. I am teaching my two English classes and a fashion design class. I've been displaying my old prom dresses for the fashion kids and they have enjoyed that. Sometimes I'm surprised at what I was able to do at the age of 15. I have also taken on the extra job of Varsity Cheerleading Coach. So far, I have been very busy during the day and very tired at night. It will be an interesting year. The cheerleaders have been really nice and there haven't been any problems.
Morgan had a great term at BYU. She had more fun than is legal. But, we all knew that would happen. She did well in her classes. I don't have any picture of her doing anything scholarly. But one of her friends posted this:
I have always said, "you never know what will happen when you are at the Alden's." She loved flying over BYU campus. She has hiked around the mountains and gone on rides on the Ranger. She has used the exercise room. I think she is ready for the next phase!! A big thanks to Holly and Rick for feeding her, entertaining her, and just letting her stay there.