Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Chapter

they say things happen for a reason. well, some things don't happen for a reason.

we HOPE, we FALL, and then we FAIL, only to blame ourselves for hoping and falling when sometimes it's not even our fault. sometimes we are led to false conclusions by people who act with vague intentions. it naturally opens doors for expectations--and all other emotions. it's how nature works. people THINK they aren't expecting, but do they FEEL the same way? most of us do not. deep down to the very core we want it to happen, otherwise we wouldn't have reasons to do things. i say just let things happen--or not happen, because in the end it will pay off with a much better conclusion (i hope).

you will meet more people who are worth expecting good things from, who won't play with your thoughts and emotions, who know exactly what they want to do, and who want to be a part of what you want to do. this one whom you fell for is not worth expecting any of the above mentioned criteria from--someone else is already getting that privilege. i just hope his expectations from that someone else are worth it.

the best thing to do next time is hope, fall, fail, and get up.