I have been wanted to do it for more than a year, finally I did it yesterday. I juz tendered my resignation letter after being here for past 12 years !!! In a month time, unless I got any offer letter I will be unemployed.
After giving much thought, I think this is the best decision I ever made in order to satisfy everybody. I juz want a piece of mind, less stressed n giving my full attention to the family as well to my hobbies.
I can't wait spending my time at home, stitching, tatting, gardening other than look after the kids and house chores. You guys know how I desperately miss my hobbies for past 6 months. And dunno whether for next 6 months I will be joining the Desperate Housewives Club.. ahaks..
Alhamdulillah, thanks God I got 3-4 interviews to attend this week. Wish me luck !!
Thanks Jane, for visiting my blog. It much than pleasure to have your encouragement posted in my blog. I will keep on trying my rusty tatting skills..
Thanks to mamafahmy & dania, I still struggling between time to brush my tatting skills..