Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

We got our Halloween on Friday morning because the girls had their school party.
 Here is the elegant Isobel in her cape...
 and FANGS!
 Mild-mannered Eva...
(By the way, she did the mustache and goatee because of Francis on Pee Wee's Big Adventure)
This is the shirt I am wearing today.  I thought it would go well with Isobel's costume :)
(On Saturday, I dressed up as Maw Maw from Raising Hope)

We are getting moved into our house more and more.  Bryce told me that he wouldn't move the cedar chest again (because it's SO heavy).  So last night I took out half of it's contents and moved it myself.  You can see where I slid it across the carpet.  I get the late night busies when I look around my house and think of all that needs to be done.  This morning, before I started working, I hemmed 5 curtains and hung them.  Basically my life consists of: little sleep, trying to put things away and clean up, trying to fit in some work, and being kinda snippy.  Hopefully the snippy will wear off. 

I am SO looking forward to a little me time in Utah in 17 days!  :) 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Little things

Here is a picture journal of the last couple months - not really in chronological order. 
Beware of graphic pictures of Eva's gums ;)

Eva had me pull out her front tooth.   
 And had to show you all the "hole".
 Few weeks later SHE pulled out the other one at school.  Can you tell she's excited?
 Here they come!
 Isobel asked me to highlight her hair.
 It turned out great! (if I do say so myself ;)
 Eva got left in the bath a little ...
 a LOT too long!
 I had to get "31 flavors" for my 31st birthday :)
(the cones on top are Bryce's, Eva's, and Isobel's favorites - I got the whole cake ;)
My family gave me hot curlers for my birthday so I tried 'em out.  Look at all that hair!

Oh, and on a side note: we are buying a house next week ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Eva! (and school fun)

Here is the apron I made from a pattern I found online - with modifications.
Find the pattern HERE
Isobel and I picked out the fabric - the apron was her idea. Ya, it's reversible.
 Eva wearing the apron on her birthday.  She picked fudge-cicles as her treat - see it on her face?
 It was crazy hair day at school last week.  Isobel really worked hard on picking the RIGHT crazy hair.  The girls had to get up early to tell me what they wanted.  I think they look cute :)

Isobel had a choir concert and 3rd grade music performance ON Eva's birthday.  I tried to up load the video of her singing La Bamba - but it didn't work.  Maybe I can get it on facebook...

Anyway - fun, BUSY week.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekend of Firsts

Guest blogger Share here. Just thought I'd update some of the pics I took from my weekend a couple weeks ago.

Bryce ran his first half marathon (the Albuquerque Half) on April 16th and completed it in a fantastic 2:04:22! He was a little worried about his knee, when it started to give him real pain a couple days before the race...but after much heat, ice and ibuprofen, that knee was able to pull thru and go the distance. Way to go Bryce, I know Bets is very proud of you!

Another first....Eva's bangs were tickling her nostrils, so Bettie got up the courage to give her first cut. I'd say she did a pretty bang up job. Of course, it's hard for Eva to not be what can you do.

Monday, April 4, 2011

what to do if you think it takes too long to shower

Cut your hair!

Isobel and I have been arguing alot about her showering.  Turns out, she hates washing her hair.
I suggested she cut it.  She had two requirements:
1)  It had to be shorter - therefore easier to wash and brush
2)   She wanted to be able to tuck it behind her ears

The answer: an A-Line.  $18 and an hour later, I had one happy girl.
(Oh, and she happily took a shower when she got home :D)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What it's like having 6 kids...

Well, I don't REALLY know - but we did have 6 kids here over the weekend.  Gordon and Katie got to go to New Orleans for something or other and we got to watch their kids.  Lily and Eve stayed with friends Sunday night and Monday night because they have school to go to.  I will say that I was amazed to get all the kids to church on time and looking good.  Not all of us got baths - so I'm sure that's why :)
You have to wash a lot of dishes when you have 8 people in the house.  We ran the dishwasher at least daily - just to have enough for each meal. No wonder Mom owns so many sets of dishes ;)
Here are some of the cute things:
Grant wearing Isobel's fake glasses around
 Abigail asking Bryce to make pancakes with her for lunch
Love the aprons!
Abigail running up to us saying, "I love you!" and giving a hug.
Watching Lily take care of her baby brother.  And him signing "drink" to her.  (I never could get him to sign for me - must be because I'm a stranger - or I'm stranger...)

Some things I forgot about having a toddler in the house:
1.  Things disappear.  Little hands pick them up and wander and put them down.  It's like a mini Bryce - but when he puts things down it's at least at my eye level ;)  Point is - I've lost my workout DVD and my cover for my IPOD...

2.  If something stinks, it needs changing.  We all have gas now and then - so Isobel and Eva kept asking Bryce if he was stinky - no - it was Grant.  Bryce did ALL the dirty work.  Good man.

3.  Communication is the key.  When my girls are crying - they can tell me why.  Even if it's illogical - which it usually is with us girls - they can tell me what the deal is.  With a toddler, they just cry and you guess - usually incorrectly - at what they might want.  I guess it's easier with your own kids.

4.  Someone has to be home with the kids.  Karen called to ask me to go to Kohl's and I said I had to wait til Bryce got back from running...right...someone needs to be with the kids.

5.  Ground up food in the carpet.  Cheerios, crackers, you name it.  If it fell to the floor in the kitchen and you didn't sweep it up, chances are, it will make it's way (in tiny hands) to the living room and there stay.

I'm sure there are many more things that I've already forgotten - these are the most noticable ones.  I really did enjoy having G's kids here - and sending them back home tonight.  Some of the little cute moments made me miss having little babies...and then I'd smell a diaper or listen to whinning...
I love my daughters and I am loving the stage of life they are in. I think that each stage is like that.  Comes with some really sweet things and some really stinky things.  That's how we get through life, right?  We try to focus on the things we are grateful for, and we will enjoy each stage.  Thanks for the lesson, kids!  Love you!

Spring Break

Some people on the Santa Fe school board thought that it would be good to have spring break March 7-11.  I am guessing it's so people can get away from the Juniper/Cedar allergies.  I did.  We went to Las Vegas, NV - Bryce had a training for FedEx and I wanted to hang out with Susan :D  Normally, we go camping in Moab for spring break, but it early March - you can bet it will snow.  So we stayed south.  The weather was wonderful, the activities were enjoyable, and the company was fabulous!  Don't know why I didn't take pictures...hmm.  Susan? 
We got to have dinner at my cousin Vanessa's house - Yum - thank you!  And we even got a suprise sleepover with Lantz and Thessa on their way north.  Not to mention all of Susan's family coming for the baptism.  So many people to see - it was almost like visiting Utah :D 

We decided to take more time on the drive home.  We stopped on the new bridge by the Hoover Dam and walked across.  The sun was starting to get lower and it made fun shadows.
 Here's Bryce looking over...carefully.  It's really far down.
 Isobel's enjoying it - or is just cute ;)
 Bryce is explaing to Eva how the Dam works and she is asking questions.
 I wanted a picture of everyone with the dam - but the girls couldn't climb on the railing when we were closer to the middle of the bridge - too scary (for Bryce).
 Aren't we CUTE?!
 Then Eva insisted on taking a picture of us - well, it was really windy.  No, my teeth are not brown, that's my hair in my mouth.  Lovely.
The rest of the way home was fun, too.  We stayed at a hotel with a pool because the girls wanted to swim and there weren't any pools open in LV.  Then we drove the loop around Sunset Crater Volcano and Waputki National Monuments.  We stopped to have a picnic lunch at Walnut Canyon National Monument.  Then we drove down to Holbrook to drive up through the Petrified Forest National Park.  We went on the "Long Logs" trail - which is said to be the most concentrated petrified wood in the park - and did the 1/2 mile loop hike.  (Our annual National Park pass expires in April - so we tried to make the most of it ;)  Then we stopped in Gallup for dinner and drove on home.

It was a great break from work, school, and allergies.  Thanks, Susan, for entertaining us!