Our Little Clan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Family is Growing!

We told the kids today that we will be having a baby girl somewhere around November 5th. They were more excited than I could even imagine. We gave them a present to open with an ultrasound picture in it and they were like...is this me? Then we told them they had to guess what we were having. I think that it set in at that point and they started screaming and running around. It really was so cute. We had a cake decorated saying It's a girl to tell them what we are having. They have been asking for a while now when we would have a new baby. Even Talmage was excited, but I think it was over the cake. I guess it is official now. We are so happy and look forward to getting that sweet little girl into our family!

Lets Play Music!

Sarah and Jeannie with "Echo Ed."

Live in Concert
Lauren, savannah, Caylin and sarah

Caylin and Sarah

School Spring Concert

Where is Nathan and Sarah? They are both in this picture

This is Nathan's special part-he did awesome

Sarah, singing away

Talmage-just enjoying the ride. This did not last too long, but it was cute while it lasted.

Planting Day

Sarah's cute friend Jolyn came to take her to get ice cream for her birthday. She actually chose a slushy from QT.

Talmage hard at work

Watering time

"Should we sing to them so they will grow?" -sarah
The kids working away...lets hope we will have a harvest day also!

Easter Pictures-Take Two

Nathan and Talmage rolling down the hill...

Cute boy

So much for picture time-let's play!

The roses view

Sweet little Talmage

Sarah is 6 and Greg is...

Sarah has been a sweetheart from the day she came home from the hospital. She loves to smile and think about others. I love how she notices a need and runs to help. She loves the dance and sing. She loves to play school and she is always the teacher. She loves her doll Jenna and takes wonderful care of her. I love how she likes to choose a different way or place to sleep every night. Tonight she is sleeping behind a chair on a towel-insisting it is comfortable. She loves to play store and sell our "fine towels" or 1980 National Geographics, she finds paper and scissors wherever she is and goes to town making books, letters and pictures. There are so many sweet things about Sarah, but I love how much she loves her brothers. She takes very good care of Talmage, even when she has friends over. I love to watch Nathan and her give a hug before they part ways to their classrooms at school. I am so thankful to have Sarah in our family. She is a bright light and we all love her!

Sarah's "Birthday Week" started out with an Enchanted Butterfly Garden Party.
It was so much fun and the girls really were amazing.

A "Hello" game so that everyone could get acquainted
Nathan and Cole were in charge of the "Butterfly Net" station. They did a super job. Look at the way they kept them in line. Amazing.

Kelly Jo helped run the butterfly making station. She was a dream.

Jessica Palmer and Dad helped everyone plant their very own flowers.

That's my girl!

Sarah and her cake. Nathan helped make sure there were bubbles right at the perfect spot! What a brother.

The whole group of enchanted butterflies...

Present time. I have never seen so many kids sit so still for presents. Maybe the garden really was enchanted.

April 20, 2010. BIRTHDAY DAY!!!!

The day started out with breakfast in bed. Nathan made the cute signs behind them.

Sarah had a detailed plan of how she wanted her pillow to be when she was awoken for her breakfast.

Just relaxing...gearing up for presents.
WOWSERS! A ballerina friend for Jenna (Sarah's American Girl Doll that her Nana gave her)

Favorite cereal time-don't miss the videographer

What a morning. So far so good.

Sarah got to go to lunch. We went to the Farmhouse Grill where Dad and Sarah got a free meal for their birthday. It was yummy. I think Jenna liked it too.

The birthday buddies

Sarah and Jenna

The day ended with a bang. Greg had meetings, so the kids decorated his giant cookie and ate some more sweets right before bed...sweet dreams!
This has been an interesting year and Greg has been patient, faithful and enduring. He is such a good dad. He likes to take the kids out to ride the horses and he has figured it all out...unlike myself. He reads them stories and takes time to listen to them. He is a great dad and husband. We are all so thankful that he is in our family. We love him!

Grandma B giving Sarah her present. Of course, Jenna could not miss out on the fun! This was a good way to end the day.
I think this was a pretty great birthday.