Our Little Clan

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Baby Norah is one!

This year has flown so fast. This little girl has been an angel from the day she was born. Look at that smile. We can't help but love her.

Talmage tries to get her to sit still for little moments here and there. She is on the go from the moment she wakes up. She learned how to climb our stairs on her birthday. It was like a whole new world was opened for her. She climbs half way up and waits for me to come after her and then she will book it up the other half laughing. She is so much fun. We love this sweet baby girl. Her most repeated word is dada-I think he really loves that. She likes real food and know when I am trying to sneak in a little pureed veggies. She is standing but not yet walking, although I am sure she will be on the run soon. Her signature move is to point and chat about everything. She really seems to know what she is saying. The kids love her and are such great helpers. This is one sweet and spunky girl. I can't wait to watch her story unfold.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Well, there is so much to catch up on...Nana's visit, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New house, life, etc. However, I thought I better start with some valentine wishes and put up a few recent pictures of the kids.

Talmage with his glasses. This may be the only time he has worn them in two weeks. They seem to get "lost" alot! So cute though.
Nathan's Valentine Card for school-when delivered he will be holding a sucker. Wish we could deliver one to everybody!
Sarah's Valentine card-she will also be holding a sucker.
Sweet baby Norah. No sucker but still so sweet

Happy Valentines Day!

Norah's Blessing Day

Norah was blessed on November 21,2010. Nana was here so we decided to have her blessing at Grandma's so both her grandmothers could be there. It was really nice to be at home. We had an opening song and Bishop Watkins came and led the way. It really was a special day. We only have a few pictures on our camera, so this is it for now. I will add more later when I get them.

The Pothier Family came for the fun. Nana too!
Our Family

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Norah is here!

Here she is! Norah Ruth Smith.
Born: October 18, 2010
6 lbs 3 oz.
My last post was when we told the kids that we were going to have a little girl...now she is here and it feels like she has always been a part of our family. The kids love her and she is such a sweet baby. It is amazing what a difference a little baby makes in your home. We feel lucky to have her in our family.

We are so thankful she is here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Family is Growing!

We told the kids today that we will be having a baby girl somewhere around November 5th. They were more excited than I could even imagine. We gave them a present to open with an ultrasound picture in it and they were like...is this me? Then we told them they had to guess what we were having. I think that it set in at that point and they started screaming and running around. It really was so cute. We had a cake decorated saying It's a girl to tell them what we are having. They have been asking for a while now when we would have a new baby. Even Talmage was excited, but I think it was over the cake. I guess it is official now. We are so happy and look forward to getting that sweet little girl into our family!

Lets Play Music!

Sarah and Jeannie with "Echo Ed."

Live in Concert
Lauren, savannah, Caylin and sarah

Caylin and Sarah

School Spring Concert

Where is Nathan and Sarah? They are both in this picture

This is Nathan's special part-he did awesome

Sarah, singing away

Talmage-just enjoying the ride. This did not last too long, but it was cute while it lasted.