Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Favorite Schnibble

To cap off Another Year of Schnibbles 2012, Sinta and Sherri  asked that we post our favorite Schnibble.  It's really hard to pick a favorite, but I really, really love the color scheme in my July 2012 Schnibble - Bennington...
Those blues and browns together gets me everytimn!  And, I really love the argyle print I used for the skinny border and the back...
It is still being quilted....
Yes, that is hand quilting going on there, folks!!

Speaking of Another Year of Schnibbles....I won one of designer Carrie Nelson's prizes for my December's Schnibble - Morsel!

I had heard Carrie out-does herself with the generosity of her prizes.  People are right!  This is the box that came in the mail...

Gotta love that label!
What was in the box blew me away...

As if this gorgeous fat quarter bundle of Fig Tree's Tapestry line wasn't enough, Carrie packed in all of these other goodies...
In the  first and second photos is a cute little fabric envelope and its contents - three "feed sack" tea towels - and the long photo on the right is a 2013 calendar tea towel - these are from Moda Home (I didn't even know there was a Moda Home!), then back to the left, we have a delicious box of chocolate peppermint cookies from Trader Joe's (which are staying in my sewing room - no, I'm not sharing with the rest of the hosue!), the latest edition of 100 Blocks Magazine, a cute little pincushion in Carrie's Full House pattern done in Countdown to Christmas fabric that matches my AYOS for January which was a Full House pillow (did Carrie make this for me on purpose?  I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't put it past her!), and a cute little tin of glass head pins.  Above the pins in the photo is a postcard from Carrie that got me choked up a little (that girl's got beautiful handwriting by the way).   I was as excited opening that box as I was on Christmas morning.  Hubby and I must have ooh'd and aah'd over it for half an hour!  And I drug it around with me everywhere for about a week showing it off to people (no one can ever accuse me of being a quilt geek, now can they - LOL!)

Thanks again, Sherri, Sinta and Carrie for Another (Great!) Year of Schibbles!
Check out Sinta and Sherri blogs on February 1st for the entire parade of My Favorite Schnibbles!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

PMQG Sew Day and a Scottish Night

How can you go to a sew day on Saturday and have most of Sunday free and hardly get any sewing done all weekend? At least that's how I feel!  But, what a fun Saturday!  I attended the PMQG Sew Day at the Waldorf School yesterday and had a blast as usual.

I guess I was doing more eating and chatting than sewing...

Danette, Becky and I break for lunch

I love when do we do a pot luck lunch - my fellow guild members bring the yummiest food!  I also enjoyed checking out what everyone else was doing...
I brought these fabrics to work on a new baby Houndstooth quilt, but only got as far as cutting...

That really wasn't all I got done - I did finish up the last blocks for the Chopsticks quilt, and cut out some strips for a charity quilt the guild is doing and finished up the binding on a table runner, so I actually did accomplish something!

Becky hard at working quilting...
Bobbi will have sweet dreams with her new pillow case - LOL! It was a birthday gift from a friend - nice gift!

I thoroughly enjoy getting together with my guild peeps - we sure do know how to have fun!

I had to leave mid-afternoon to get my Scottish on for the annual Burns Supper on Saturday evening hosted by our friends in the Loch Rannoch Pipe Band....
Loch Rannoch Pipe Band
 Dad, Mom & the Newlyweds (aka sis-in-law Cathy and brother Jeff)
 our table
The girls

The Haggis was eaten and a good time was had by all!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What Santa Brought...

Before next Christmas rolls around, I wanted to show what quilty things Santa brought me last month!

Our newish LQS, The Round Bobbin, ran a "Stuff My Stocking" program for 12 days in Christmas.  What fun!  Every day you'd get an email with an item at a fantastic price.  You had until midnight to call or email the shop to tell them that you wanted the item and to "stuff your stocking" with it!  So, I clued hubby in to this and told him that if I saw something I thought I'd like, I'd forward the email to him and he could order it for me - or not.  So, these two items caught my eye...the new Turning Twenty book with a little stack of FQs to go with and this great little "round the neck" light.  This light is fabulous for hand stitching or reading in bed - I love it!  So, at the end of the 12 days you - or your Santa - would stop by the shop to pick up your stuffed stocking (which was really a bag) and pay.  I thought the whole thing was a fabulous idea!  I also liked the gift certificate hubby picked up while he was there o:)
This book I actually bought for was one of those "make up the $25 to get free shipping" on Amazon purchases.  I needed to get one last Christmas gift for someone and this popped into the cart for me!  It was a great buy - 4 of the quilts in this book are on my "must-do" list and I want to make at least 4 more!
I had borrowed this from this library and only got a few pages read and knew it was one I'd want to savor and have in my library.  So, I promptly took it back to the library and put it on my Christmas list.  I love me some Kaffe!   I had the pleasure of attending one of his lectures about 15 years ago and he couldn't have been nicer!
 This was on my wish list on Amazon for a while...then it went on my Christmas list.  I also love me some Fig Tree!  I still need to give it a read through....
I loved Angela's first book and I'm sure I will love her newest (again, need to get the time to read this!)...
At our December PMQG meeting, we had a White Elephant swap.  It was such fun.  I got a GREAT bag of goodies - no elephants in there!  I got Andrew's gift and love the bag as much as what was in it - isn't this a hoot!
 The little appliques and those awesome buttons are from Japan (Andrew lived there for quite a while) - how cool is that?!  The purse handles and magnetic closures will be put to good use and the elastic has already come in handy.

 Then there was this yard of colorful butterfly fabric - some little girl is going to be very pleased with this...I'm thinking pillow case maybe???

And, finally, a sneak peek of what I've been working on....more later!